When You Bond With Them

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As stated in the last chapter, we know how you met them from the game! So this is just kind of when you form a good bond with them! Also, I haven't written for these guys before, so it might take me a bit of time to get it right, please be patient.

Also, this chapter will be split into three parts since I'm busy with school but I want to get some content out there for you. In this chapter, we have Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, and Satan.

Lucifer: "They're so annoying." I sighed, wandering away from the six brothers. 

Living with the Seven Deadly Sins has its perks, but they're brothers and they bicker. A lot. And bickering can turn into straight-up violence. Best to avoid their conflicts so I don't get dragged into it.

Also, yes, I said six brothers. Lucifer is currently in his office working, so he isn't bickering with his brothers. I almost feel bad for the guy. He's always so busy with work from Lord Diavolo, he still has to attend school for most of the day, AND he's the eldest so he's had to deal with all the drama of his siblings for a very long time. 

Despite what his brothers tell me, I don't think he's that bad, just, stressed and tired.

I noticed a door, and as we all know, if there's a closed door, I have to find out what's behind it. I noticed that it wasn't locked as I approached, so, looking to escape the volume of the brothers, I opened and entered it. 

Inside was a small staircase that led to what looked to be a basement. Me, and my great track record with taking mysterious stairs, decided to descend them. Once I made it to the bottom, I started looking around. 

After wandering aimlessly in the dark room for about four or five minutes, I found a light switch. Flipping it on, I had to close my eyes as they adjusted to the light. Once I had adjusted, however, I noticed the giant three-headed dog.

"Oh, a puppy!"

(I'm sorry if you don't like dogs or are afraid of them, but Lucifer has Cerberus, and he's a hellhound, I can't do anything about that. I'm sorry!)

The dog raised its heads to me, and looked at me, almost cautiously. I slowly put up my hands, remaining calm and showing that I didn't mean any harm. I very slowly made my way over to him. He did nothing to stop me.

Once right in front of him, I slowly put my hands down on one of his muzzles, and gently stroking his fur. He seemed to like that so I continued.

Lucifer's P.O.V.

I stopped working for a bit to see what all the commotion was about. It wasn't time for dinner yet, and everyone seemed to be yelling about something different from earlier. I left my office and went to the living room.

"Why are you all making such a racket? What's the problem?" I asked.

"We can't find them." Beel told me.

"Can't find who?"

"Y/n!" They all said. 

"They were here earlier but now we can't find them anywhere, we've searched the whole house." Asmo agreed with Beel.

"You lost them?!"

"Not lost, just, temporarily misplaced." Satan said. I sighed.

"We have to find them, immediately. If they die again and Diavolo finds out, we'll all be in deep trouble." They all nodded and we fanned out.

I was getting ready to check in on their progress when I noticed the door to the underground tomb slightly ajar and the light on. They must be in there! That's where we keep Cerberus, and they may be in danger. I rushed down the stairs only to see Cerberus laying down, head on his paws. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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