Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

He saw the pictures, he knew Taehyung wouldn't casually do hand-holding or voluntarily be around someone he didn't enjoy the presence of. He didn't care if they killed the boy Taehyung was with. Taehyung could always find someone else in the mafia. He only cared about his best friend and it was a funny feeling, really. He's never realized how much he cared for the younger man until now. The only other person he cared deeply about was Kya.

He sat back in the seat, tossing an M&M in his mouth while frowning and listening to the other two men talk.

Minutes turned to an hour and before Hoseok knew it, he was out of M&Ms.

"He knows," Seokjin said without looking away from the boy's apartment which they've been sitting in front of for roughly three hours. Jimin hummed, obviously irritated as he leaned forward on his steering wheel. Hoseok smirked.

"Maybe that car was his," the oldest man continued, not caring that Jimin's anger was growing rapidly. Hoseok found it amusing, Jimin got mad easily when things didn't go his way. Like a spoiled child, if this continued he'd end up doing something drastic.

"I told you we should have followed it," the Seokjin said as he pulled his phone out. He could be at the mansion right now, enjoying his life but instead, he was stuck in a dark alley with an angry man.

"I told you guys we should have never done this," Hoseok added, knowing it would piss Jimin off even more.

"Can you shut up, both of you?" Jimin asked, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. He was pissed.

"Respect, Jimin," Seokjin reminded earning a scoff and an eye-roll from the said man.

Jimin knew Seokjin was right. The car that passed them about an hour ago was black all over and the windows were too dark to see inside. It hadn't slowed in front of the apartment building nor had it slowed beside his car which is why Jimin dismissed it. But it was the only car that had driven by them could have been Taehyung because the other two cars that came before the black one was a bright yellow Volkswagen Beetle and a silver Nissan Sedan. Taehyung would never drive either of those, he had expensive taste in cars, Jimin knew that much.

As for Hoseok...Jimin wanted to punch him.

"Well, let's go inside?" Jimin suggested.

"No way-"

Seokjin raised his hand to cut Hoseok off. He was also annoyed by Hoseok's shameless loyalty to Taehyung. "I'll allow it."

Before Hoseok could protest more, Jimin pushed the door open and got out. He heard the other door open and Seokjin got out, leaving only him in the car. Hoseok made no hint of leaving so the other two men simply shrugged and made their way across the road. Seokjin didn't like the idea of breaking and entering, he'd usually have one of the gangs do it, but he didn't stop Jimin as Jungkook probably had more evidence in his apartment that proved he and Taehyung were together.

Namjoon created the rule that no member of The Family can date someone outside The Family. This was a way to prevent betrayal or Unloyalty which always ended in death. Before the rule, people tried to use the excuse that they wanted to have a family without worry of bad things happening to them but leaving the mafia after giving the Loyalty Pledge was not an option. As stated several times, the only way for an official member to leave is through death. Until then, their life is tied to The Family.

However, they had the option to work in the many subdivisions or as an internal spy which was less dangerous than actual fieldwork.

Though this boy who Taehyung was with didn't seem like a threat, the man was still going against The Family and unloyalty isn't just brushed under the rug. Taehyung was never an asset to Seokjin and the idea of finally ridding his business of the man put him a slightly better mood.

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