Chapter 161 - 170

Start from the beginning

"Qing Ge, let's get married!" He spoke his intentions for having come here as he looked at Feng Jiu.

Hearing that, Feng Jiu cast a glance at Murong Yi Xuan and said: "Didn't my grandfather already tell you that I want to call off the engagement?" She went over to the main seat and sat down, as the servant brought in tea for her.

"I do not mind that your countenance has been disfigured." He had thought that Feng Jiu was calling off the engagement because her face had been ruined. Afterall, the previous her had been so highly reliant on him and the kind of feelings he had for her, couldn't be so easily severed just because she said so.

Hearing those words, Feng Jiu laughed. "I think you misunderstood. I am not seeking to annul the betrothal because my face has been disfigured, but because I discovered that I do not love you, and that is the reason why I am calling off the engagement."

Her voice was indifferent, her demeanor gracefully languid, not showing the slightest trace of unease or inferiority with her completely scarred face presented before Murong Yi Xuan's eyes.

"I do not believe that."

His gaze was steadily fixed upon her. "I do not believe that you do not love me. We shared so many years having such strong feelings for each other, how is it possible that you can suddenly stop loving me just because you said it?"

Feng Jiu glanced at him queerly and said: "Didn't you want to call off the marriage as well? How is it different from this?"

Chapter 162: Settle it with Fists

"That's not the same." His eyes held deep emotions as he gazed straight at her. "That was because she was Su Ruo Yun and not you."


She burst out with a stifled laugh in scorn, her lips curling up in a sneer. "Which man doesn't like beautiful women? Don't tell me that you were not mesmerized when you saw me back at the Plum Blossom Forest? Were you not surprised and delighted when you saw me in the streets then? If men's words are believable, pigs will then find trees climbable."

"Qing Ge….."

Feng Jiu took a sip from her tea and stood up, to come right before Murong Yi Xuan. "I am definitely going to break off the engagement and I am not here to discuss it with you but am merely informing you about it, so that you can at least be prepared." Immediately after her voice fell, she called out: "House Steward, see the guest out!"

The steward outside came in and said to Murong Yi Xuan: "Your Highness, this way please."

Murong Yi Xuan was silent and after gazing at her another moment, he said: "I will go seek medicine to remove those scars for you. I will let you see that my heart towards you has never changed." Finishing what he wanted to say, he then opened up his stride to walk out.

Feng Jiu shook her head, sighing in her heart. [A pity, that Feng Qing Ge that loves you is dead. However much you do, it will be of no use…..]

After that, she walked out from the front hall and went towards the courtyard at the back. When she saw the Old Patriarch and her father chatting while enjoying tea, she called out to them: "Grandfather, Father."

"Qing Ge, I heard that Yi Xuan came. How did the chat with him go?" Feng Xiao asked with concern. Seeing that badly disfigured face on his daughter, his heart wrenched up with bitter pain.

[His daughter, and her face destroyed like this…..]

[That was all due to his failure as a father who did not protect her well, causing her to go through so much suffering.]

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