"Ruslan babe!" She exclaimed in a flirty tone and I saw Mr Searlus roll his eyes but she didn't notice it as she was busy hugging him.

He forced a smile on his face and hugged her back as she placed herself on his lap.

She cupped his cheek and gave him a peck on his lips making me cringe. "Hey, fiance. Finally I got to meet you after so long."

Fiance? What the actual fuck?!

Realising my mouth was wide open and so was my eyes and I was staring at them, I quickly composed myself and looked away. I cleared my throat loudly to gain his attention and I did.

He removed his attention from his fiancee who was busy rambling about her vacation and looked at me.

"You may leave, Ms Leonard." He spoke in a cold tone as usual and I nodded and promptly went away from there.

I found Geordi walking down the stairs and I caught up to him.

"He has a fiancee?" I asked him, still surprised of what I just saw.

Geordi had his poker face on and he nodded. "He does."

"Seriously? Who wants to marry a fucking Mafia leader?!" My eyes widened the moment I realised what I just said to him and I placed my palm over my mouth.

Geordi stopped in his tracks and raised a brow at me.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that!" I spoke frantically. "Please don't tell him!"

Whom are you kidding? He is his right hand.

"It just slipped out." I defended myself. "Please don't tell him. He will kill me."

Geordi ignored me and continued walking down with me behind him begging him.

He groaned in frustration as we reached down. "Fine! I am not telling him anything!"

I sighed in relief. "Thank you so much!"

He rolled his eyes and continued to walk away but not before he warned me. "And think before speaking."


I was instructed to give him his lunch in his room only; actually his fiance's (whose name I don't know yet) lunch too.

Carrying a huge tray in my hand, I walked upstairs and then placing the tray down on the floor, I pressed my thumb against the scanner and the door opened with a beep.

Sighing, I picked up the tray again and walked in towards his room. I heard his fiancee giggle behind the door and I somehow knocked on it.

She stopped giggling and Mr Searlus called me in. Balancing the tray in one hand, I pushed opened the door and went in.

I saw his fiancee sitting on the edge of the bed in a bath robe while he was busy on his phone standing beside her.

He gestured me to keep the tray on the table and nodding, I kept it there.

Instead of leaving the room, I turned to Mr Searlus who frowned wondering why I didn't leave yet.

"Sir...can I talk to you?" I managed to speak.

He kept his phone down on the bed. "What is it?"

I glanced over to his fiancee who had a scowl on her face and said to him. "Not here...a bit privately."

"What do you mean by privately?!" His fiancee seethed. "Talk here only."

I am not stealing him from you! I just want to ask him something.

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