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"Forming Of Friends"

Once home Hana fixed herself some ice cream & turned on the tv in her living room. She was on her phone when she realized her Line had new contacts.

 이재현  🎁 (Hyunjae)
 손영재 🦄 (Eric)
지창민  🐿 (Changmin)
 최찬희 🐧 (New)
이주연  🐱 (Juyeon)

She stared for a minute. When did they add their Lines ? What did they have her saved as ? She decided to text one of them at random.

(A/N: Hana' emoji for the boys = 🍟)

She ended up choosing Hyunjae. Who else than the eldest to clear up any confusion ? They weren't close so honorifics aren't established.

🍟: How did I get your Line ?

🎁 : We put our numbers in your phone.

🍟: Why though ?

🎁 : We felt it was the best option if you can't get into the house.

🍟: That makes sense. I do lose stuff sometimes. I could misplace the key.

🎁 : No need to be so formal. We can't be friends that way. Be yourself around us.

🍟: Myself ?

🎁 : Yourself.

🍟 : Ok. See you in the morning ?

🎁 : Goodnight, Hana ah.

Hana put her earphones in. She headed into her art studio. She planned on making a few art pieces..

Here Line went off while her artwork was drying. She answered.

🦄 : Hana Noona, are you awake ?

🍟: What is it, Eric? Need anything ?

🦄 : Can you come by early tomorrow ? I want to do something for the hyungs.

🍟: Of course. See you in the morning.

Hana put her dried artwork up. They added more personal decoration to her home.

Early the next morning...

Hyunjae told her to be herself. So that was exactly what she was going to do. She wore her TBZ hoodie with soft toned denim jeans. She even wore thrifted white shoes shoes she painted to suit her & her loved for The Boyz.

Hana let herself in with her key. She rounded the corner for kitchen when Eric appeared holding a finger up to her lips. Clearly he wanted her to keep quiet. "Morning. What did you want me to help you with this early ?"

To be fair, it wasn't as early as you think. It is just that the others were still asleep. It actually was round maybe eleven a.m. Eric gave a sheepish smile, "You're such a great artist, Noona. I was wondering if you'd make us some art pieces or simple crafts."

Hana smiled. "You're lucky I always have art supplies handy." Eric finally noticed her hoodie. "Does that mean you are Deobi ?" Hana nodded as she sat out the art supplies they would need.

Eric & Hana were bonding while she made his wish for his hyungs come true. "How did you become such a good artist, Noona ?" Hana sighed giving a small smile. "I learned from my Mom. We used to spend so much time in our studio. I really miss her."

Pretty soon the others came into the kitchen smelling faint paint fumes. Hana sat the artwork in the middle kitchen island. Satisfied praises sounded throughout the room.

Things weren't as awkward as they were. Hana was growing comfortable with them. 

She noticed Changmin had excused himself as some point while they were all talking. She walked into the living room finding Changmin looking at a picture. Getting closer Hana noticed the picture. She was no older than six standing with her friend Ji Min, Mr. Ji' nephew. "Ah, I didn't know this was kept here."

Changmin gave a small glance in her direction. "Who's the boy next to you ?" It was Changmin, but he knew Hana didn't remember. Hana grinned thinking back on memories. "My friend Min. His grandfather owned this house. I miss him a lot, but he moved away."

Changmin held the picture next to his face. "I missed you too, Hana ah." Hana looked between the picture & his face. "Figured it out yet ?" How did she never notice ? Her best friend was stood before her.

She wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "I really missed you..." Changmin held her back," I missed you too, fry."

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