Ch 7

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Q placed a plate of waffles in front of James, he had to convince James to leave his plushies on the sofa so they wouldn't get covered in syrup. The agent ignored the fork Q had set out for him, instead he began tearing the waffles apart with his hands and stuffed the pieces into his mouth. Q just sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face, he didn't have the energy to deal with that. It certainly wouldn't be worth the fight.

Q sat down with his own plate and began to eat, occasionally glancing over to James to make sure he was alright. The boy seemed content shoveling bits of waffle into his mouth, so Q went about his own business.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. R needs his help on something, of course it is his break and he has no obligation to look it over until he is back at work, but he would certainly prefer to do it now. The only issue being he hadn't brought his laptop with him to James flat the night before.

"Well, bugger me sideways." Q sighs and turns to James, "Would you like to take a trip to my flat?"

James looked up from his waffles, his face and fingers now covered in syrup, a sight Q never would have expected to see, "Can I play with the kitty?" He asked, tilting his head slightly like a confused puppy.

"Yes, James, you may play with Carlyle as much as you'd like once we get to my flat." His gaze fell to James' hands, "You will need to get cleaned up first. I don't want sticky fingers all over my flat."

James nodded and took his plate to the sink to rinse, "I'll wash up."

All things considered he actually did decent on cleaning himself up. Q did have to direct him a bit when it came to cleaning the syrup off of his cheeks. But aside from that, James did all right on his own, he even managed to clean off the bit of syrup that had gotten onto his shirt. Although, Q would have rather had him change it, perhaps next time they will be better prepared and could save anything quite that sticky for before getting dressed.

Q stood waiting by the front door. He glanced down at his watch, it was a personal day and R wouldn't hold it against him for not looking over the document right away, and it certainly wasn't urgent. But James was spending a little too long fiddling with his shoelaces. Had it taken this long earlier? Now that Q thought about it, maybe he remembers James' shoes never being tied that morning.

"Do you need help?" Q asked. 

James shook his head and grunted, "No." He snapped, tugging on the laces.

Q glanced down at shoes and chuckled, how was it that this could even be the same human being as 007? "You've got them on the wrong feet."

James let out a frustrated huff and dropped the laces. He looked up at Q and frowned, "Help please?"

"Of course." Q knelt down in front of James and carefully removed the shoes. Once he had gotten them onto the correct feet and they were both tied securely he stood up and offered his hand to James, "Let's go then."

James didn't waste time once they reached Q's flat. He waited for Q at the door bouncing on the balls of his feet until he could get in to see Carlyle. 

"Hi kitty." James crouched down in front of Carlyle and the cat lazily peered an eye open at him, "Can I pick him up?"

Q intervenes before James can grab the cat himself, seemingly he didn't intent on waiting for an answer, "Let me do it, then I can hand him to you."

Q carefully picked up the cat, earning a low mew in response. James held out his arms how Q showed him and the quartermaster passed Carlyle over to him. James squealed and squirmed in excitement. Q couldn't help but smile when James giggled.

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