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"James involuntarily regresses when he leaves Q and Alec is the one to find him since they were supposed to spend a day together. Alec freaks out slightly because James is very young and calls Q." Thank you so much for this idea and to everyone else who commented, it was surprisingly easy for me to pop out this chapter.

Q had just settled in his bed, Carlyle curled up at his side. He had just had enough time to make himself some dinner after Bond had left before the exhaustion of the day took over his body. Just as he was drifting off to sleep his phone began to ring.

He had become accustom to late night calls, so much so that the sound of his phone took any once of tiredness from his body. Surely, it wasn't a healthy thing for his body to ignore it's needs as such but it was simply something that came with his line of work.

Carlyle lazily peered an open eye at Q and mewed softly. Q wasn't the only one displeased with the sudden wake up call.

006. Why in the bloody hell was 006 calling him at midnight?!

"Trevelyan?" Q answered, scrubbing a hand down his face.

Q hardly had the chance to finish speaking before Alec was yelling from the other end, "Q! I need help! I don't know what to do!"

Q sat up, not completely awake. 006 wasn't on a mission currently. Had there been some sort of attack? Why hadn't MI6 called? Why hadn't M? Or Moneypenny?

"Alec slow down. What happened?" Q asked, climbing out of bed, already scrambling to get back into his slacks and a decent jumper.

"James and I were just hanging out and... He's having a panic attack. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do!" Alec said. Q couldn't hear much of "He's chewing on his hand again and he won't stop crying. He told me you were able to calm him down a few days ago and-"

"Alec calm down. Focus on James. I'll be over as soon as I can." Q grabbed his coat from the hook on his office door, and began to shut off all of his devices, "Is there anything else I should know about?"

"It's hard to explain." Something told Q that he would understand, "He's acting like a little kid. Like sucking his thumb and stuff."

Of course, James was regressed, "Oh."

"Oh? Do you know what's going on?"

Q sighed, "I'll explain when I get there." He wondered what had happened, how James was really doing, Alec was really panicked, maybe he was just exaggerating, "Go help James."

"James-" Alec's words were promptly cut off with a loud 'oof'.

"What's wrong?" Q asked. Were they alright?

"Hey, it's okay." Alec's voice was soft, Q could only assume he was talking to James, "James just grabbed onto me. He's shaking, really bad."

Q found himself nodding before he remembered that Alec couldn't see him, "Physical contact seems to calm him so I don't think he'll be letting you go any time soon. Give him as much contact as you feel comfortable with. I'll be over in a few minutes."

Alec was still panicked. He tried to comfort James but he couldn't think of the words.

"Alec, I need you to calm down. You can't help James if you're panicking as well." What was he supposed to do, he could hardly comfort one panicking agent, certainly not two. Alec enjoyed talking, maybe that would help, someone else talking calmed James, two birds one stone? "Try talking to me, just take a deep breath and tell me."

He could hear Alec's sharp inhale, "We were supposed to get drinks and he wouldn't answer the door. I got worried and so I picked the lock-"

"You broke into his house?"

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