Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

She looks up and stares at me for a moment. "With.. Diamond?"

"Yeah." I smile.

"No way." She looks around before leaning closer to me. "Did you ask?"


"And she said yes?" I nodded and she stared at me for a moment. "Oh my gosh. I told you she liked you."

Nodding, I look over at her as she was training someone. I couldn't help but smile and Violet quickly noticed it as she said something.


"You got it bad." She smiles.

Shaking my head, I already knew that but I didn't want to make it known. I look around as Violet walked back to her trainer and I watched a few people punching bags.

When I was doing the same thing they were doing, it was something I couldn't explain. I had so much energy even though I felt like I was dying but it was worth it cause I felt confident enough to try harder.

Even when I wanted to quit.

I wanted to train harder and get stronger.

A part of me wanted to beat Diamond but as I was training, all the thoughts on her were pretty much gone cause of the progress I was making in those few short days.

I was getting stronger, building confidence and feeling amazing.

It was something I never thought about when it came to boxing.

I thought it was just beating someone to feel powerful.

But it was more than that.

It was about strength and confidence.

The power was for people who weren't even there to enjoy it.

I look around until I saw Diamond standing there staring at me. She looked away the moment I met her eyes and I stared at her for a moment before smiling.

I was getting closer.

Something that I never thought I would even feel cause of her closed off she was at the beginning.

But she's opening up more and I can see that.

And I can definitely see that she likes me.

She's not even hiding it anymore.

It discreet, but it's there.

As I was looking at my camera, I turned it on before placing it against my face and looking around. I took some pictures of Violet before looking around until the camera was on Diamond.

She was watching someone, talking to them as they were training and I smiled before placing the camera back to my face.

I took a few pictures.

Pulling the camera away, I look at the pictures and smiled before placing it back to my face and pointing it at her.

Then she looks at me.

And I took a picture.

Pulling the camera away, I stared at her for a moment before looking down at the picture. I stared at it for a moment before looking back up and she was still watching me.

Then Violet came over and made me jump.

"I am so sweaty. Let me go to the lockers and take a quick shower. I'll be out soon."

Nodding, I watch as she walks to the lockers and I look back at my camera before turning it off. I look around before seeing Lance standing off to the side as he was grabbing his stuff and walking to the bleachers.

I kept watching him as he was looking through his bag before zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder.

When he walks off, I kept watching him before realizing that something was off about him.

After a moment, I got up and looked around before making sure I had everything. I look over towards some of the girls that were still training until I saw Violet walk back out of the locker room.

When she walks to me, she smiles before holding onto her bag and we both walked out of the gym together.

"Are you nervous about this date?" She asks as we were walking to the parking lot.

"Not really. I feel a little more confident this time."

She smiles. "That's good. I'm a little surprised that Diamond even said yes. I mean.. that woman is stone cold but you're breaking her walls."

"Is that even a good thing?"

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "I just.. sometimes consequences come with that. Getting close to someone."

"Isn't that what you want?"

"I do and that's what I'm trying to do but sometimes consequences come afterwards."

She nods as she places her bag in her trunk. "Well.." She shuts the trunk. "I guess you're right but you know what you're doing."

"Hopefully. If I don't mess something up again."

"You won't." She smiles.

We got into the car afterwards before driving off.

I kept thinking about this weekend throughout the ride there and the rest of the night.

Always overthinking when it came to Diamond.

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