How to Non-Answer

Începe de la început

"I got the mirror," Jiro says from on top of a pile of boxes. "Why did you two come?"

"They've come," Kaminari says.

She closes her eyes. "Then it's time."

I nod. 

Kaminari clears his throat. "Actually, it's not quite time. Sorry to keep the tension on you, Princess, but if you die here everyone'll still have a chance of getting your blood. And we cannot allow that to happen."

Jiro gives him a Look. He shakes his head in an I'll tell you later gesture.

I cross over to the boxes and sit down on one. Doomsday temporarily averted. "So, what do we do?"

"Get drunk," Jiro says, pulling out a bottle from somewhere inside the boxes. She brushes a spider off her hand and offers the bottle and three cups to Kaminari. He deftly fills all three and passes one to both me and Jiro.

I hold out the cup. "To hiding in a miserable, tiny room."

Jiro snickers and adds, "With untrustworthy personages."

"Hear, hear," Kaminari says. We tip back our cups and drink.

"Woah, what is in that?" I ask, staring into the liquid. "I think I'm halfway to blackout drunk."

"Most potent alcohol the land's seen in centuries," Jiro says with a hiccup. "Prob'ly cursed, 'ccording to the label."

"To cursed alcohol!" Kaminari says, downing the rest of his.

"Cursed alcohol!" Jiro and I echo, copying the action.

Kaminari smiles at us, pulling an orb of shadows out of his pocket. "You two are so cute," he says.

Hmm. Orb. Familiar orb? Orrrrbbb. Orb. Bro. Orbbro. Orboborborb. Very orb, much sparkle. Sparkly orb. Orb cannot stop twinkling.

Kaminari pushes me into Jiro and pats our heads. "Now, you two cute lesbians make out or something. I have a Horse and an appointment to see to."

He disappears through the door. My eyes follow him until Jiro squishes my cheeks. "Wanna kiss?" she asks.

I think I say "sure," and then we're lost in each other.

♥✿❀♪pov switch♪❀✿♥

Horse is sitting quietly and out of sight with Carpet and several Magic Assets. He's the only one who knows they're called that, and so he's the only one who's aware of the Prophecy.

He sees Kaminari exit the castle, and he sees the pinkettes and their red-haired friend.

Hmm, thinks Horse.

♥✿❀♪pov switch♪❀✿♥

A dangerous man with hair dark as ink and burnt skin carefully pokes his head around the corner. "All clear," he tells the other Fire Wyzard.

They are not on good terms. But after the fallen Kingdom was lost, the tall and frowning man with piercing blue eyes came to an agreement with his son. And their not-good terms must be temporarily forgotten.

Until they kill King Toshinori, at least.

The ink-haired son enters the room first: he's perfected the art of moving softly and silently, and the King barely notices him until he's choking.

A warning shout from the once powerful man brings both killer and dying to attention as a boy with hair that possesses all the power of one thousand broccolis bursts into the throne room with a golden sword.

The killer tchs as his eyes flick to his father. The older man's already grappling with the boy Prince. It's clear who has the upper hand, and Sir Fire Wyzard it is not.

The Prince cuts off his opponent's hand. Everyone in the room watches as the lump of flesh soars up to the roof, then decides to obey gravity and come back down.

It lands at the younger Fire Wyzard's feet. He looks at it in mild surprise, then decides that perhaps this will be more worth it another day. He releases the King, and as the frail monarch sits there coughing he rushes out the door alongside his father.

They have failed once.

It will not happen again.

♥✿❀♪pov switch♪❀✿♥

Two deadly and beautiful girls are absorbed in the scene shown by the crystal. As the freckled broccoli Prince vanquishes the two Fire Wyzrads, their giggles echo through the room. They cheer for their hero.

One day, they will fight to the death over him, but for now they work together.

♥✿❀♪pov switch♪❀✿♥

The sea is disturbed, the ripples on the otherwise peaceful surface betraying the violent currents beneath.

A tiny, tiny, infinitely minuscule wave crashes on the shore.

When it retreats, the sand is streaked with blood.

Mmm I do love me some metaphors

The update schedule for this story is terrible, I'm sorry. I will be trying to update once or twice a week, so fingers crossed.

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