Bet you like that|DNF

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Kinks/work include/s: kink shaming, use of the word slut, daddy kink, praise kink, use of the word whore, pillow grinding, degrading kink, orgasm denial(but failed), overstimulation.

Top : George
Bottom: Dream

Yeah it's a lot to unpack but I felt like I could get this out for you guys because yeah.


Dream's fantasies always ran through his head, whether it was when he was streaming or just relaxing. It was embarrassing at times, especially during streaming when his fantasies would run wild without abandon.

It didn't help that they circled and pinned his thoughts on one person, and that person alone. Why did it have to be cruel like that?

Currently speedrunning Minecraft with nothing on his mind but finding a Nether Fortress a ding like sound cut into his solo call and resonated throughout his headphones. His character froze as he looked to see who joined. His mouse hovered over on his second monitor as he saw it was the one person he was looking to avoid and his stream was freaking out since he had been mainly silent this speedrun.


It was a demand. One he quickly followed as he ended his stream in haste. He knew that if he disobeyed George then it would haunt him later and he would get the worst punishment possible in his opinion; he wouldn't be able to cum because the brunette was just like that when he got in the mood.

He made sure everything was off because if anyone heard what they were doing it would be very suspicious.

He made it seem like his internet cut out and he tweeted that before giving George his full attention.

"You're such a slut, you know that right?" The brunette hummed bitterly as Dream swallowed.

He inhaled before looking at the screen. "Yes daddy, I know I am." That was the only good response because if he didn't use the names that were addressed when they first started this, then he would be in trouble.

The brunette looked at him bored, clearly wanting more. But what?

It was quickly registered as he looked into the camera, the brown orbs holding the blonde in its stare as he gasped.

Turn on my camera?

George sighed annoyed before the blonde quickly turned on his camera.

During this whole endeavor Dream had not turned on his camera once, and the genuine surprise in George's eyes made him nervous.

The brunette swallowed as he took in the blondes appearance.

"Dream...fuck you look so gorgeous, baby boy.." He groaned to him as he looked the blonde up and down.

Dream whined at that and subtly grinded his hips downwards, which didn't go unnoticed by the brunette.

"We haven't even started yet you naughty boy, guess sluts don't wait huh?" The tone he used was a clear stop moving or I'll punish you early.

He hated that, he didn't want to be a bad boy.

He stopped and whined to the older male.

"George-" The glare that was sent to him made the blonde freeze in his tracks.

That It wasn't unwelcomed it just surprised him.

"What did you call me, whore? Because I know you did not just use my real name."

Dream moaned. He fucking moaned because George was scolding him.

George let out a shaky breath before looking at him. "You're fucking unreal --- getting off to this like some school girl.." He growled before Dream saw it, the glint in his eyes.

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