Chapter 3 Oh Sh!t

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Content warning

There will be foul language used from here on out in chapters ahead. Just wanted to point out. and sorry for updating late, it just took a while. So enjoy!


I stepped out, and I saw Mr. Burns and Cody sitting at the table.

As I headed over to the coffee pot to grab myself a cup, Cody starred at me until I asked, " Hey lil' man, surprised I know about the bots, or is it about the 'My bot is and Ex-Decepticon' - thing?" knowing that due to his behavior at the moment, Mr. Burns must have told him.

"BOTH," he yelled with excitement, while Mr. Burns signaled for him to calm down and lower his voice, while he was drinking some coffee while he was reading a newspaper.

"Ehehm, both, also sorry, to you Y/N and you Dad but I was on the cameras late last night watching Y/n and the new bot," he said in a lower tone.

" Well, Cody .... it's alright but what do you wanna know," I asked him, curious to know what he would question me with as I walked over to the table with my coffee in hand.

"To start with how did you know about the bots?"

" Well, the logo on Blades, that's the name of the copter bot right?"

" Yup"

" Ok so the logo on blades looked familiar and then the pieces just happened to click when the robot head popped up on the screen, and the vehicle naming just tied it all together."

"Alright next question, how did you and your bot meet?"

"MNCHT that's a long one but if you wanna know I'll tell ya,"



We got a week's worth of break due to there being a rat infestation in the dorm rooms and the cafeteria.

 I grabbed my bags, wearing an old black oversized leather jacket with a police badge on the side that belonged to my foster mother, and walked toward the entrance of the train station that was about one block away from the academy. 

"Are you sure that you don't wanna stay with me on Griffin Rock, we do have a lot of space at the house?" she asked as she pulled up next to me. 

" Yes Dani, I'm sure, and I have a few places that I wanna visit before we have to come back," I responded trying to be as sincere as possible.

 " Alright then," she said with a smug look on her face," but don't start complaining when you miss my cooking." 

" Pfft- HAH I doubt that, " I said with a chuckle. 

She began to drive off yelling, " BYE Y/N I'LL SEE YOU SOON!" 

"BYE DANI," I responded, watching her drive in a zig-zag sort of motion and then straightening it out.

 I continued walking over to the station, found a bench, and sat down. 

I placed in my earphones and began to play my (insert music genre) playlist.

 I waited on the bench for a while looking to the forest behind the tracks and was focused in that direction for a while until I heard a loud screeching noise through the music. 

I looked away from that direction and saw the train being pushed back by some giant robot in the front and another one in the back doing the opposite. 

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