Chapter 16~Rantaro's Betrayal.

Start from the beginning

After a bit I suddenly hear a thud, making me look over at the group. What the...? I get up to get a better look, my eyes widening when I see what's happening. What the fuck is he doing?! I drop my book and quickly hurry over to them, stopping when I see the boy curled up in a ball, noticing some cuts and bad bruises all over him. Oh my god...I tighten up my fists and push past some of the group, "HEY!" I yell before Kaito could do any more damage, the purple haired boy looking up at me. He looks...really bad...

Kaito looks over at me, growling and turning away from him, "What the fuck do you want?!" He says as I look past him, seeing the boy quickly, but slowly, get up and hurry away. I sigh a little and look back at him, "You weren't supposed to go that far you idiot!" I say, making Kaito laugh. "I'm just doing what the boss said~" he says, making me growl some. "You didn't have to go this far! You were just supposed to-" "Awww are you starting to have sympathy for the target~? That's so cute~" Kaito says, interrupting and irritating me. He ticks me off so much...he did even before all this...

"Just get out of here and leave him've done enough!" I say, making Kaito roll his eyes. "Tch! Whatever...I was getting bored and had other things to do anyways..." he motions his group to leave, looking back and smirking some, "Just wait till she hears about this, you knew that you weren't supposed to interfere with what I do...~" Kaito says as he turns away, making me relax and look down some. I've never seen Kaito go that far...what's his deal...? Was he just pissed off about something and took it out on him...? I sigh some. Whatever...I'm not gonna think about it...I have to figure out where he went...

I look around for a little while, noticing a dirty notebook in front of a tree. I pick it up and take a look at it. This must be his...I remember seeing him carry it around...he probably uses it to communicate. I look up at the tree, seeing him at the top if it, crying and leaning his head against it as he's holding on. This poor kid...he shouldn't have gone through that...I look down some. I can't do anything about it now...I also can't watch him from afar anymore now that he knows what I look like...

I sigh and look back up the tree, "Hey!" I say making him look down at me, "It's alright now! You can come down!" He gives me a confused look, but nods and starts to head down. Before he could get to the bottom, his foot slips, making him fall. I quickly hurry and catch him before he hits the ground, laughing a bit, "You were almost there~" I set him down and smile some, "Watch your footing next time...well really you shouldn't be climbing a tree in the first place...~" I say, making him look down some. I sigh a bit, "Let me go get my bag...I'll patch you up..."

I get up and walk back towards it, him watching me with a confused look on his face. I look back and sadden some. I guess he's not used to being treated nice by someone...I've noticed that none of the other students really talked to him...there's this one guy that tries to, but the boy always looks too nervous to interact with him...not being able to talk also doesn't help.

I grab my bag and quickly hurry back over to him, sitting by him and taking some bandages out of it along with some bandaids, "I know that it isn't much, but it'll help until the nurse comes back from lunch..." As I'm wrapping and bandaging him up, I sigh some to myself. Why...why did I let Kaito treat him that way...when he would come by I would just...look the other way. Why am I even doing this...? I shouldn't be helping him right now, but...

I feel a tap on my shoulder looking up to see the boy holding his dirty note book. Is he...wanting to tell me something...? I stop for a second, and reach into my bag, pulling out a new notebook and pencil, "Here...your other one looks...messed up..." I say as he looks at it, his eyes widening and taking it. He sets down the messed up notebook and opens the new one up, writing on the first page, showing it to me when he finishes, "Thank you for helping me...and for the new notebook and pencil~" I laugh some, "Don't worry about it...~" I say with a smile, making him giggle some. I think to myself for a bit until I remember something, "What's your name~?" I ask him curiously. Tsumugi never told me what it was...all I knew was what he looked like.

He writes his name and shows it to me, "Kokichi Ouma..." I read aloud, smiling some, "Well I'm Rantaro Amami...~" Kokichi smiles happily and nods, writing once again in his new notebook and showing me, "It's nice to meet you!" I nod and finish patching him up, him saddening a little, "Hey...what's wrong...?" I ask, Kokichi looking down some as he writes again. "You should go...I'm sure you have better things to do then taking care of me..." I look at what he wrote, sighing and shaking my head, "It's okay...I...want to take care of you...~" I say, surprising him some. There's no way I'm leaving him alone again after what just'll technically still be following her orders...

I stand up, holding my hand out to him, "How about we go eat together...? Lunch isn't over yet...~ Plus...I want to get to know you...~" I say, making him tear up and nod as I help him up, seeing a bright smile on his face.

After talking to Kokichi and remembering the past, I lay my head down on my knees. I don't expect him to at all forgive me for this...especially after everything. Like he said...I betrayed him...I could've made sure Tsumugi didn't hear us, but...I knew that if I didn't, she would...come after him. She wouldn't hesitate to come straight to this school and kill him...she would kill the others too for being involved...I think to myself some. I'm...honestly surprised that she's not doing that right now...since she knows everything, though...I can think of one reason why she's not...a very stupid and irritating reason...

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