After War Decisions

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Harry was tired. The war was over, and it should've been peaceful. But not for Harry. After he defeated Voldemort his fame wouldn't leave him alone. It seemed as if the media stalked him with the amount of articles on his daily life alone.

So Harry kept a low profile. But his friends weren't happy about that.

Ron simply couldn't find it in him to understand why Harry didn't wish for the public's attention. Ron seemed to expect Harry would focus the spotlight on himself, and bring Ron along with him for the oh so glorious ride. But still, after he saw some of the creepier fan letters Harry received he at least seemed to mature, even if only a little, and lay off Harry a small bit.

Hermione was the more reasonable of the bunch, as per usual. She did scold Harry for hiding from the public eye, saying that 'The more mature way of dealing with the situation would be to outright state that you have no wish to be in the spotlight, so they would realize you wish to be left alone'. But, however smart she may be, she never faced his situation before, so she didn't understand that such a statement will be wrongly interpreted as 'modesty', or in a worse case, arrogance, which will only bring him further into the headlights.

Neville and Luna were the most sympathetic, with Neville being mad at the media for its stalker-ish behaviour, but being too shy himself to be able to do something, and Luna, always the daydreamer, murmuring dreamily about Wrackspurts making people crazy.

The most complicated was Ginny. With the Weasleys still mourning Fred's death, and Harry constantly trying to lay low, they started to drift apart. They became a couple in times of war, and when it finished it seemed as if their relationship crumbled along with it.

What started their relationship was the need for comfort and familiarity during hard times that was felt simply at the presence of a lover, along with Ginny's celebrity crush and Harry's need to find love, having lived a mostly loveless life.

Now, with times of peace dawning upon the British wizarding world, there were no hard times to bond them together. Harry's lack of knowledge about comforting another, much less a lover, became apparent, and so he couldn't help Ginny overcome her loss, much less with the media always looking for the next tragic story to add to the life of Harry Potter. And Ginny, having realized Harry was put in an uncomfortable situation because of her, felt that Harry would be better off with someone who was able to fully embrace him, for Harry had also suffered many losses and needed to know love.

And so, after walking on thin ice for a few months, they came to a mutual agreement to break it off.

Harry now lived an isolated life at 12 Grimmauld Place, only interrupted by the occasional visit of one of his friends.

His entire life from the moment he knew about the wizarding world was focused on one goal. Killing Voldemort. Now, he has done that, but what should he do now? He has no wish to work as an auror, not after the war. He certainly was rich enough to live his entire life with not a single  day of work, rather comfortably, even. But he did want something to do. He then realized how lacking he was when it came to the theory behind magic, to all the electives he didn't take simply because he was lazy. The same electives that were required in order to get most jobs. And so he began to learn.

The Black library's reputation really wasn't just a bragging matter. Actually, it puts the actual place to shame.  Harry found so many books about branches of magic he didn't even know existed!

Harry's studies started just as the snow began to melt. It was now June, and Harry's eighteenth birthday was due in just over a month from now.  And he sure did learn.  Harry was a quick learner.

In those few months he learned all about magical cores, of the theory behind most magics he learned at Hogwarts that he never bothered to memorize, and of wizarding history and politics. After all, he was the next Lord Potter. And it wasn't only that. The Black family library was known as a deep ocean of knowledge, but, according to the family name, the waters were dark. And after deciding he would test the waters anyway. Harry invested time in magic he once frowned upon.

When Hermione and Ron, newly betrothed, visited him in May They were both surprised to see him covered in a mountain of books. But luckily, those were only Arithmancy and Ancient Runes books, and not some of his more… questionable reading material. And what material was that?

He learned of magic affiliations, and their true meanings, and how they connected with the magical core, and so he learned that dark wasn't evil. It was just not…. Light. He went deep enough to understand Olde Magics, and old magical rituals that were banned, and for what? The use of the most minor form of blood magic.

When he decided he simply must learn why dark magics were banned, he dived deep into the theory of these forms of magic. Deep enough to even learn of the creation of the Three Unforgivable Curses.

Harry wanted to take part in wizarding traditions, after all, it was his culture, and he had every right to explore it, banned or not! And what better option than the Summer Solstice that is merely days away?

And so, on June 21 1998 the ritual was due. The entire day he cleaned the ritual room that he found on the second floor, painted the rune circle and washed himself with aromatic oils.

And in the evening, the ritual started. The start seemed almost like celebrating a holiday. He prepared a feast, even though he was alone, but the truly odd thing was that he left the best pieces of the food he ate untouched. After the feast, the remains of the food were placed in a wooden bowl, which he lit on fire in the middle of the rune circle. The food sacrifice was made, and the chant started. Long threads of magic, woven in the Latin chant.

Harry could feel his magic under his skin, almost making it glow. He felt truly at peace for the first time in his life.

But something was missing.

He never once stopped chanting, but he did get a dagger out of his white ceremonial robes. It was time for the true sacrifice. With a smooth movement of the beautiful silver dagger, a cut was made on the palm of his hand. The blood, a thick crimson liquid, made its way to the magical fire that now turned from blazing red to a pale blue, signaling the beginning of the last stage of the ceremony. He then lit 7 candles in the blue flames, and put out the rest of the fire, which by now had consumed  the sacrifices completely, and was fueled by magic alone.

The candles were put in their respective places in the rune circle, and Harry sat in the middle of it. This time, there was no chanting. Just Harry meditating, bringing out his magic.

The Summer Solstice ritual was made at the time when magic was at its most pure form, for its purpose was to fully connect the wizard with their magical core, bringing them to a serene harmony.

Harry entered a state of pure bliss, the feeling of his magic was intoxicating.

And then everything blacked out.

Published on  August 19, 2021

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