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Luka was late arriving home but he had wanted to stop by Chantelle Thomas's to pick up a little something for Marinette.  When he walked into the apartment he was hit with the aroma of Speed Rabbit's pizza. A restaurant that served pizza equivalent to America's Little Ceasars. There were three pizza boxes stacked upon the kitchen counter.

"Anks." Adrien said as looked at Luka with a mouth full of pizza. He was thankful that Luka wasn't upset that Marinette had chose to let him stay. Luka thought it was ironic if she knew what he knew about Adrien, Adrien wouldn't be here.

When Adrien called Luka earlier in the day and explained the situation, Adrien added "I know you don't like me." at the end.

"I don't like you and I don't trust you. But it's not my decision it's hers." Luka replied. He didn't want to pretend he knew the best for Marinette but he knew one thing that she can never know that Adrien is ChatNoir. Not for the fear that she will pick Adrien over him but that if she finds out that she'll leave Luka for allowing ChatNoir to stay. When he knew what ChatNoir did.

"Emma did do your homework?" Luka asked Emma as she was shoving pizza down her throat. Luka then thought to himself "One of these days this kid is going to choke."

Emma shook her head yes. Luka had a rule Emma couldn't eat dinner unless her homework was done. Otherwise she wouldn't do it and just take the loss.  Luka did not care if she was a A student  heaven know neither him or Marinette was.

"Got a 94 on last weeks packet." She said proudly. Her packets were a week worth of science homework that the teacher gave to all the students. They were learning a bit about chemical compounds.

"94?" Adrien questioned. If had gotten a 94 in school Gabriel would of scolded him harshly for such a disappointing grade.

"Yah could of got a 100 if I didn't forget to write my name on it." She said knowing that the science teacher Mrs Snyder deducted 6 points if you forgot to write your name on any paper. "I also drew rainbow trees in art today."

Emma said as she went to her book bag to grab her art to proudly show off to Luka. "See!" She smiled. "We had to draw trees this way but Chalky drew trees this way." She explained. Her trees were portrait oriented and Ezra's trees were landscape but she couldn't recall the specific words so she just turned the paper every which way.
"This my practice piece then we get to make another one but Mrs. Flood like Chalky's the way it was so he has to wait to color his." She added. She was very proud of Ezra for being that good at art that he didn't have to do it a second time.

Luka took Emma's trees and hung them on the refrigerator. Thinking it was funny how in big thick marker in the lower corner she spelled her name 'eMmA'. It wasn't the greatest but Luka was proud of her.

"How do you forget to write your own name?" Adrien questioned referring to the science packet. She obviously knew to write her name on her trees.

"I don't know." Emma shrugged.

"But it's your NAME." Adrien stated. Not realizing he was raising his tone like his father did to him.

Luka glared at Adrien. "And she's a CHILD." He replied not knowing if Adrien knew that children forget things on the regular.

Emma put her hands on her hips. "I have you know I can spell my name any way I want, DAAD." She said thinking that Adrien was talking about her trees. She was also still petty about the tea incident.

"Don't use that tone with me." Adrien scolded Emma.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

Luka thought about interrupting but Adrien need to see how difficult a child could be. So he made himself a plate of pizza and just watched on the sidelines to see how long Adrien could tolerate Emma. Especially when all this was just a misunderstanding. All Adrien had to do to resolve the conflict was to offer her a slice of pizza.

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