Chapter 1

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"Zach wake up" I heard someone calling my name. I opened up my eyes it's my little sister Guppy. "Zach wake up mommy said she needs you to go downstairs." "Alright I'm awake, can you please go downstairs so I can change?" "Okie be quick" "yeah yeah".
I got out of my bed started to take a shower and change my clothes.

After I taked a shower and change my clothes I got downstairs.
"Morning Zach" lavagirl said (aka your mom) "Morning mom, where's dad?" I said while getting some toast. "Oh he's training don't worry he will be here" "Morning Zach, Morning Guppy" "Good morning dad" me and guppy said together. "Oh kids me and your mom is going on a mission and you guys are staying in HQ" dad said while me and guppy just nodded.

Time skip at HQ
Still Zach's POV

When we got here in HQ there was this woman looking like Dora but a model version. "Hello sharkboy and lavagirl you guys go to the rest I'll take care of the kids."
The woman said while our parents said goodbye to us and left. "Hello guppy and Ace you guys know the drill" Ms Granada said while I nodded. She leads me and guppy in the stronghold and leaves us with the other kids 'working'. After Ms. Granada left Everyone brook all of the rules.

I chuckled at everyone and got my sketch book and started to draw. Then I heard noodles saying someone's coming. I got confused cause everyone else is here, then I counted everyone just to check again. 'Wait everyone is here' I thought. Then the door opened and I saw Ms Granada and a girl. A really pretty girl, I felt something in my stomach that I didn't understand what it is. 'probably just hungry well I going to get some snacks after this I guess' I thought. I didn't really listened to their conversation I just started at the girl but I stopped when she caught me staring at her. So I quickly looked away to hide my blush. After the girl taked a sit Ms Granada left, I head noodles stretching "shes gone!" He said whispered yelled. After that Every one Went wild. I looked at the new girl and she just looked back at her laptop.
Then I heard someone taked a sit next to me,I looked at my right and saw wild card toke the sit next to me. Then I said "Jhonny random" "Icy Hot" then two of us laugh and talked about some stuff.

After some minutes I putted my head down and suddenly I heard wheels introducing everyone else to the new girl. "And these is our fearless leader wildcard, he has every power imaginable" "true"wildcard said while having a smirk in his face, I said "true he has every power imaginable but he can't control it cause he can't focus on his energy" "also true until now that is TELEPORT" wildcard said while getting the book on fire. I chuckled at wildcard while guppy make a fire truck made in water. "And last but not a least guppy and Ace" "How are doing that?" The girl said that I just found out about her name it's Missy.
"My daddy is Sharkboy and my mommy is lavagirl instead of lava I move water"guppy explained "oh what about you what's your power?" Missy asked me. "Oh mine is I can make ice and fire come out in my hands" I said while I used my power. "Cool" "So, new girl what's your super power?"wildcard asked Missy "oh about the super powers thing-" Missy said while getting cutted off by facemaker. " Oh wait I remember you your Marco Moreno's kid" "uh yeah my dad has been not going on missions so I been chilling with the normal kids." Missy said while wildcard said "wait why would they put a kid super powers with the normal kids, oh I understand now you don't have super powers." He said while i said "yo not cool wildcard plus being normal is alright" I said trying to cheer up Missy. Missy then smiled at me that causes me to blush lightly then i turned my back on them. After that I went to get some snacks at the snack area. "Whatever can we just turn on the tv I wanted to know if there's new about our parents" Missy said while wheels putted on the tv.

A/n: ok so first chapter is here. I actually writed this chapter last night but I fell asleep. Welp there you go, maybe I'll update another one today or tomorrow.

We Can Be Heroes (Wcbh x Male Oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin