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About Zach / Ace
Ace or Zach (only guppy calls you Zach)
Male (obviously)
Ice, Fire, Flying, strength enhancement, Teleportion, Mind reading.(but mostly he's just going to use the ice and fire one)
Love interest:
Missy Moreno (or should I make a you guys vote?)

More about Ace
He was adopted by sharkboy and lavagirl. Zach's Parents died when he was born, He knows that he's adopted by sharkboy and lavagirl. Every one only knows he has Ice and fire except he's parents and guppy.

A/n: I decided to do this story cause why not, this is the first time I've written a book so this is not good as it seems. sorry if this a short chapter but I'll try to make it longer.🥲👍
Author out😑

Word Count: 133 words

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