The Ultimate Introductions

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                                                                                            Y/N POV

                                                                           Trigger Warning(s): None

Darkness. Nothing but numb darkness surrounded me. My eyes flickered open, but despite my eyes being open, all I saw was black. As my eyes adjusted, it looked like I was in a locker.

I started banging on the door in attempt to escape, when I heard a voice

"Nyeh? Is someone else here?"

I heard fidgeting and then a click. The door opened and a girl with short red hair holding a lock which I assumed came from the locker, stood in front of me.

We were in a dimly lit classroom and she looked like she had been stuck in a locker as well.

"Um...h-hello...were y-you k-kidnapped too?" I asked the girl

She nodded and reached her hand out which I took gratefully and she helped out of the locker.

"I'm Himiko Yumeno, the ultimate magician, but I'm not actually a magician. I'm a mage!"

I smiled softly

"I'm Y/N L/N. T-the ultimate actor..." I said "We should p-p-probably find a w-way out of here-"

As if on cue the door to the classroom swung open and outside of the room, I saw a robot that seemed to be chasing someone. I jumped back in shock and out of the corner of my eye I saw Himiko do the same.

"Nyeh...robots...we should be careful," 

  "Y-yeah..."I agreed "B-but i-it looked l-like the robot w-was chasing other p-p-people! There must be other p-people here! We're n-not the only ones who were ki-ki-kidnapped!"

We left the room and began trying to find an exit when I thought I saw another robot.

"Eep!" I pushed Yumeno-chan behind me and ducked behind the corner.

I peered out and saw that he looked different than the robot we saw before though. More human and much smaller than the other one.

"Hey! Do robots have d!cks?" the purple haired boy asked him

The robot started yelling at the purple haired boy about him being "robophobic" and I heard Yumeno-chan giggle behind me.

"They don't really seem dangerous," Yumeno-chan said "Lets go introduce ourselves to them,"

I hesitated but agreed

Yumeno-chan walked over to them

"Were you guys kidnapped too?"

"Ah! So there's more of us! Yes we were kidnapped as well," the robot guy said "I am K1-B0, the ultimate robot! But please, address me as Keebo."

"And I'm Kokichi Oma! The ultimate truth!" said the purple haired boy

"Y-you're not the ultimate t-t-truth." I said without thinking

Everyone turned to me and I felt heat rise to my cheeks

"Okay fine you got me! Nishishi~! Hey! What's your~ name?"

"I-I'm Y/N L/N! T-t-the ultimate a-actor." I said

"And I'm Himiko Yumeno, the ultimate magician but they got that wrong. I'm actually a mage."

"He's the ultimate supreme leader." Kiibo-kun said, pointing at Oma-kun

Lock & Key ~ A Kokichi x Reader Fanfic ~ [CANCELED]Where stories live. Discover now