George had to save him... he knew he had to get the pills out of him or he was going to die right here in his arms. George pulled Alex up so he was almost sitting, he opened Alex's mouth and stuck two fingers down the mans throat. Alex even though he was unconscious began to gag, George knew it was just a reflex and it didn't mean Alex was going to wake up but his main priority was emptying his boyfriend's stomach of the lethal dose of medication.

Alex's body shook as George tried to make him sick whilst mumbling small apologies to the younger man. George finally managed to get Alex to throw up, the contents of his stomach was now on the white sheets in front of them. George let out a small sigh of relief but begun to panic again because Alex was still unconscious... he needed help... he needed an ambulance.

George was in a blind panic, thought of a life without Alex plagued his mind as he tried to open his phone.
"Hello 999 what's your emergency?" The words echoed through Georges head and dragged him back to reality.
"I need an ambulance I think my boyfriends gonna die" George sobbed.
"Is the patient breathing?" The call handler said calmly.
"I-I think so... he's taken a shit load of pills... he wanted to d-die and I made him be sick but he's still d-dying" George cried as he clutched Alex tightly.

"Okay sweetheart you need to take a deep breath for me... help is on it's way" The women explained, George nodded and took a deep breath even though she couldn't see it.
"I love you Alex... please be okay... I'm not gonna be mad... I just need you okay?" George sniffled as he stroked Alex's cheek.

The next think George knew there was an ambulance crew in the room. He had no idea how they'd gotten in the flat but they'd immediately start to work on Alex. George was left sitting on the edge of the bed as Alex lay next to him close to death surrounded by paramedics. He didn't know how much time had passed but to George it felt like a lifetime of watching who he knew was his soulmate die in front of him.

George felt a hand be placed on his shoulder and he snapped his head up to see a paramedic in front of him.
"We have to take him to hospital now... you said you think this was a suicide attempt?" The man asked calmly. George took a deep breath and nodded as he lifted the note Alex had left.
"No... I know it was... he l-left me a note" George said as he let out a small sob.
"Okay sweetheart... we're going to take him to the hospital... would you like to come with us?" The mans asked.
"Please... I'm never leaving him again" George whispered as he got up and followed them out the door.

The ride to the hospital was quiet George answering the few questions the paramedic had as they sped down the road. He sat by Alex's side one hand interlocked with the unconscious mans and the other man gently rubbing his boyfriends head. He mumbled words of comfort even though he was unsure if Alex could hear him or not.

"I love you... I'm so sorry you felt this way... I'm sorry you felt this was the only way to stop the pain baby... but you mean the world to me and I'd be broken without you... so I'm so glad you're still here... I'm gonna help you it's gonna get better I promise" George whispered as he leant over Alex and kissed his forehead gently.

They arrived at the hospital and Alex was whisked away leaving George to be guided to a private room where he sat alone for what felt like hours. In reality it had been barely 45 minutes when George was approached by an nurse.

"Mr Andrews?" She asked.
"Yes.. George please... that's me" George stammered as he stood up.
"Okay George, Mr Elmslie-" She begun before George cut her off.
"His name is Alex he hates being called that" George gulped.
"Okay Alex... has had his stomach pumped, he's okay at the moment but Doctors are worried about erosion of the stomach lining..." She explained calmly, George felt like he was going to faint, the thought of Alex so sick hurt his soul.

"You can go back and see him now if you would like he's probably going to wake up soon and we wouldn't want him to be alone" She smiled as George nodded. The two left the room George following behind the nurse, she led him to a private room where Alex lay connected to wires and tubes looking awfully small in the white bed.

"I'll leave you alone now" the nurse smiled and left the room. George sat down next to the bed and took Alex's hand in his own.
"Oh sweetheart... what are we gonna do hey? I'm here baby... I love you" George spoke softly as he stroked Alex's arm. George brought Alex's hand to his lips and kissed it gently before laying it back on the bed.

An hour later and Alex begun to stir, George could tell he was waking up so he was stood next to the bed in the mans eye-line. Alex's eyes fluttered open and he winced at the bright light, he closed his eyes again for a moment before opening them again and letting out a small cough.

"Alex.. hey love" George hummed as he stroked the mans cheek.
"George?... it didn't work" Alex mumbled.
"No sweetheart it didn't work" George confirmed. He watched as Alex's facial expression changed, he couldn't tell wether the man man disappointed or confused but either way it upset him. He leant down and wrapped Alex in a hug as the younger man begun to sniffle.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm s-sorry" Alex sobbed into Georges shoulder.
"Shhh no you don't have to apologise..." George hummed in response as he rubbed the mans back.
"I'm still so sorry I-I didn't-" Alex cried as he became short of breath.
"Baby no stop it... you don't need to apologise to me... I'm just glad you're still here" George said truthfully as he kissed the mans cheek.

The two remained sitting on the bed with George holding Alex until he calmed down enough for George to let go and stroke his cheek. Alex's lip quivered sightly as he took Georges hand, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"I'm sorry... I-I didn't want to h-hurt you I swear" Alex whispered as he looked away from George unable to make eye contact.

"I know Alex you don't have to explain yourself to me... I'm here now and so are you and that's all that matters to me" George comforted.
"I almost regretted it... it hurt so much... I thought of you having to find me and I-" Alex said as he begun to cry again. George sighed and lay down on the bed pulling Alex to lay down with him. He wrapped the younger man in a hug and let him snuggle into his side.

"I love you so much I know it's difficult for you right now... but I'm here for you and you can talk to me always... you can wake me up in the middle of the night... you can call me always... I love you and I want you forever... I want us forever... so I'd really like it if you stayed... you've got a whole life ahead of you my love" George whispered as he stroked Alex's back.
"I fucking love you... what did I do to deserve you" Alex sighed as kissed Georges neck.
"You didn't do anything baby you already deserve the world..." George smiled, there was a moment of silence before George opened his mouth again.

"We're gonna be okay I promise Al" George hummed.

~Authors note~
2k words
well that was depressing ❤️‍🩹

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