Clingy Drunk

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(T/W alcohol)
Alex and George are together but haven't told anyone yet

Wills idea of a fun time with friends always involved alcohol. Not that any of their friends minded they all liked drinking and when they were together it made everything 10x funnier. So when Will invited everyone over for drinks they all of course agreed.

So now Will, James, Alex, George, Gee, Mia, Aria and Fraser were all sitting in the living room. Shots had been downed and music was playing, Alex and Fraser were probably the most sober of the whole group only having had a couple of beers and refusing to take any shots.

George however was definitely one of the most drunk, he and Will had decided to have a competition about who could take the most shots in a minute much to Mia and Alex's dislike. So now the two were about 20 shots deep and for lack of a better word absolutely wasted.

Will was slumped against Mia smiling lazily as the world spun around him, he went to reach for another beer when Mia pulled his hand away and held it in her own.
"Nope no more beer for you" Mia smiled. George looked over to see Mia placing the bottle back on the table and went to reach for it himself.
"Absolutely not" James laughed as he took the bottle from Georges hand. The man frowned and flopped back against the sofa.

George closed his eyes for a second and suddenly another wave of alcohol hit him and he needed Alex. He needed his boyfriend to comfort him but he was sat on the other sofa... he needed to get to the other side of the room. He stood up swaying as he breathed through the light headedness.

"Woah George mate where you off too?" James asked, patting the mans back. George didn't answer he only mumbled in response as he continued shuffling towards Alex. He knocked his leg in the table and let out a pained grumble before kicking Frasers shoes out of the way.

Alex watched as George wobbled towards him, he smiled knowing George was always slightly more clingy when he was drunk. Before they we're together the man would just cling to whomever was closest and wouldn't leave them alone, but now Alex assumed the man would just want to sit with him. He realised this could take a lot of explaining when the rest of their friends realised.

George was now stood in front of him staring down at him with a sad look on his face.
"You okay buddy?" Alex asked softly. George shook his head and flopped onto the empty spot next to Alex, then the older man nuzzled his face into Alex's neck and sighed slightly. Alex looked around the room and made eye contact with James who gave him a confused look, he just shrugged and tried to hide his smile.

George sighed again and sat up looking over at Alex sleepily, the younger smiled at him causing him to smile back and practically crawl on top of him. George lay his head on Alex's chest and wrapped his arms around the mans middle, snuggling himself into his
t-shirt. Alex had no idea what to do, they'd agreed to keep their relationship a secret for a little while longer but George was making that really difficult right now.

Alex looked around the room at his friends who were talking amongst themselves but looking at him and George. He sighed and put his hand on Georges head.
"I think someone might be a little too drunk... clingy George is back" Alex giggled as he rubbed his hand through Georges hair gently.

George groaned and shook his head taking in a breath.
"Just love you" George whispered incoherently. Alex hummed in response knowing that George did in fact love him but was also way past drunk.
"What did he say?" Fraser questioned.
"No clue mate" Alex coughed. George lifted his head from Alex's chest and pouted.
"Said love you Al" George mumbled his upset audible. Alex was worried George would burst into alcohol induced tears if he didn't do something soon.

"I know Georgie... love you too" Alex smiled as he brushed Georges face. The older man smiled obviously satisfied with that response and lay his head back down. Alex replaced his hand in Georges hair, twirling the strands in between his fingers. Alex moved his other hand to rest on Georges lower back just above his butt to ensure he didn't slip off of the sofa.

Memeullexx one shots (On going)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat