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A/N lmao I'm not an anti-vaxer or anything... vaccines are poggers (never let me say that again) GET VACCINATED! but I saw Georges tweet about his side effects and inspiration you know :)

(T/W Vomiting)

George had to go alone to get his vaccine this time, the first dose he and Alex went together but this time Alex wasn't allowed to get the second dose yet due having had Covid recently. So George had to go alone, the only problem was he was terrified of needles.


I'm scared.

George... it's fine I promise
Just take a deep breath and close your
eyes, before you know it it will be done x

I can't Al... I wish you were here
I think I'm gonna have a panic attack

I'm right here George
It's gonna be fine... you'll be home
before you know it xx

Okay :( x

Love you mate x

Seen by George

Alex was sat waiting for George to return after being left on seen by the nervous man. When he'd gone with George the last time he'd seen the sheer panic the man felt as the nurse brought a needle nearby. He was pretty sure George was near to passing out as he held his hand and distracted him. So the fact George had gone alone panicked him a little... or a lot.

The front door opened and a very pale George almost staggered though the door. Alex scanned his best friends face noticing a small bruise forming on his chin, he sighed as George kicked off his shoes.
"Come here then" Alex smiled and opened his arms as George walked over to the sofa. The older man flopped onto the sofa and curled into Alex's side relaxing immediately.

"What happened George? Your Face is bruised" Alex questioned softly as he stroked Georges arm.
"I got the vaccine and I was panicking and then I went to stand up and leave and I passed out and hit my face on the floor" George mumbled.
"Oh dear... not been a good day hey" Alex smiled. George shook his head from where it rested on Alex's shoulder but remained silent.

"My head hurts" George mumbled.
"Maybe you should go lay down... you probably just stressed yourself out" Alex sighed as he ran his fingers through the mans hair. George nodded and sat up, Alex smiled and patted the mans back as he stood up and shuffled off to his bedroom.

George pulled back his sheets and flopped onto his bed and curled himself into a ball. His head was banging and he felt kind of nauseous, but he was sure it was nothing a nap couldn't make better. He pulled the sheets up and wrapped them tightly around himself, he realised he was actually really cold even though it was the middle of august. He sighed slightly hoping he wasn't sick as he drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.

It had been nearly 12 hours since George had gotten home and Alex hadn't seen him since he'd sent him to bed. He didn't know why but something felt off so he decided to go check on the man. He made his way up the stairs toward the bedrooms, he reached Georges door and knocked gently.

"George?" Alex called out as he knocked again. There was no answer so Alex stood there debating what to do. He didn't want to just walk in because that felt like intruding but he decided just to do it anyway because there was nothing of George he hadn't seen in their 3 years of living together.

Memeullexx one shots (On going)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu