Painful end?

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(T/W suicide attempt and vomiting)

Alex had imagined that dying would feel just like the moment before you fall asleep... hazy but peaceful. But it didn't the pills he'd taken to end his life burned in the bottom of his empty stomach, causing him to be in nauseating pain. The peaceful end to his struggle he'd hoped for wasn't happening, a small pang of regret caused a tear to roll down his cheek.

He felt his stomach churn, his body trying everything to empty his stomach of the overdose of medication. The burning pain in his gut caused him to heave, he forced down the nausea instead letting out a small cough. He lifted a hand to his mouth and wiped away what he assumed was spit, instead a deep red liquid smeared across his shaky hand. Alex tried to focus his vision on the white sheets below him, he saw the small splatters of blood across them before he collapsed back onto the mattress closing his eyes.

Alex let out a shaky breath as he felt himself slipping closer to unconsciousness. He let out a small sob at the thought of leaving but he'd convinced himself it was for the best. He'd convinced himself that the darkness he felt was permanent and that nobody could help him. He's convinced himself everyone would be better off... that George would be better off. George his sweet boyfriend who did everything possible to help Alex through the dark days. He was definitely going to miss George but at least he wouldn't be a burden to him anymore.

He'd tried to make it as easy as possible for George he really had but now George was going to find him contorted on their bed with blood smeared on their sheets, instead of peacefully laying on the bed like he's wanted. He thought of George finding him in this state and his body shivered, he let out a small sob as his eyes became to heavy to open.

"I'm sorry Georgie..." Alex cried his voice barely audible.
"I l-love you" Alex whispered before he fell unconscious.

George entered the flat with a strange feeling that something was wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it but something felt off, maybe he was just anxious... it was nothing that cuddling with his boyfriend couldn't fix. He kicked his shoes off and headed straight up to their bedroom and opened the door.

His heart dropped when he saw the empty pill packets scattered on the floor. He froze on the spot just staring at the ground he spotted a piece of paper with his name scribbled across it. He hoped it wasn't what he thought it was, without looking up he picked up the paper and turned it over.

Dear George,

I'm so sorry that I couldn't stay any longer. Please don't think this is your fault... because it's not, I guess I wasn't strong enough.
I'm sorry my love... I'm so so sorry
I'll love you always Georgie

Love Alex xx

George dropped the piece of paper to the floor, he gulped and let a tear slip down his cheek before looking up at the bed in front of him. His heart shattered when he saw more empty pill boxes... but this time they were scattered around Alex's lifeless body.

"NO... NO NO NO NO ALEX NO PLEASE NO BABY PLEASE... I LOVE YOU P-PLEASE" George sobbed as he ran over to the bed. He pulled a limp Alex into his lap and hugged him tight to his body. He stroked the mans face as tears flowed down his face and landed on Alex's pale skin. He scanned Alex's pale face and kissed the mans cheek as he sobbed, rocking back and forth still holding on to his boyfriend.

"A-alex no... don't... please I-I need you... wake up baby... I love you" George whispered. He didn't know whether he was imagining it or not but he could have sworn Alex was still breathing. He was he was still breathing it was shallow and unregular... but it was still breathing a sign that there was still a chance.

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