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 Every next murder looked exactly the same. They were nice then started to run, yelling, calling me bitch, slut, whore, hoe or something else, and then I killed them. I know how it will sound, but it started to be boring. I wanted something else, some change, you know. And then I met her.

 It was a coincidence. I was going back from Eretria (island) and on my way I saw a man. He was shouting at a girl. She had long, black, wavy hair and really smooth skin I color of olives. Her eyes were a color as emerald. She looked so beautiful, but so scared. The man was really aggressive towards her. First this man didn't pay attention to me but when I asked what's happening he replies "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS BITCH, so if you can go away I will be really thankful."  He had made me angry. How could he talk to me like that? I didn't do anything to him (yet) and I didn't know me too, so it pissed me off. Like really pissed me off. I pretended that I go away, but that's obvious that I didn't. I couldn't leave this poor girl, she was nearly crying. So I punched that man and put the knife to his throat. I thought that he will yell or something but instead of that he started to laugh. " YOU WON'T KILL ME, STUPID! YOU'RE A WOMAN!  HAHAHAHA" he laughed. I didn't know what to think. Like, why is he laughing ? Because I'm a woman? Oh, my little mouse, you won't get away with it. " You know, that's a bit sexist. Woman could  easily kill a man, with a right motivation." I ended and cut his throat. The girl open her eyes widely while looking at the bleeding man. I could see that she didn't know what to say. "You don't have to thank me. I just did what I think was right. So yeah bye." I said and went back to my horse, but then she spoke, "I-it-I don't know what to s-say really. From one side I want to t-thank you but f-from the other you just k-killed a human. " She said. I looked her deep in the eyes and asked, "Why was he yelling at you?" "We had a fight like always, he wanted to beat me up like he always did, but this time I stood up to him. He pissed off and started yelling, and then you arrived." she told. I could see that she was sad. I scanned her, then I noticed a bruise on her neck. He really was beating her up. I looked at her once again and said "If you want you can travel with me, I'm killing people who killed my parents, you know little revenge. If you don't, I will leave you here or drive you to the nearest city. So, what do you think about it?" She started to think. I could see that she wasn't sure what she wants. I could also see that she was scared. But not of me. That really impressed me. Then she looked at me with her beautiful green eyes and said, "I don't have anything to do. You killed my husband so." I was really shocked that she replied to me. I wanted to ask her, but she was faster. "I can see that you wonder why am I not scared. It's because I'm in the same situation. My parents are dead too. But I'm too weak to make any step to teach the killers a lesson. I would love to help you because I think you will help my own mental health problems," she smiled. She was crazy. She knew my like 20 minutes. She wasn't scared. That was what turned me on. But I didn't show it. "Okay, so we are leaving now. Come on, you will ride on my horse with me." She jumped, and we took our way to the next village.

 On our way, we didn't talk too much. Acctually I asked her one question: what is her name. She laughed a little and answered. Her name was Nemea. I told her my name too because I wnated tk be nice. She said that my name is rally pretty. I blushed then but she didn't see it. Further part of our way she was quiet, but that was okay. I'm not a talkative person too, so it didn't bother me.

 When we stopped she looked at me with questionable eyes. I saw it, so I replied, "We will stop here because you know we have to have some sleep after all." She nodded and jumped off the horse. I made fire, and she lay down next to it, watching the dancing flames with a curiosity of the child. She was so beautiful, I thought to myself. Soon later, she fell asleep. I was looking at her for a while. Then I decided to go and get some more wood, so we wouldn't be cold in the night.

 Stars were shining above my head and owls were making some weird noises. I was taking the wood when I heard a noise. That sounded like broken wood. Like someone was watching me. I took out my knife and said, "I'm not scared of you! But I can see that you are scared off me because you don't want to show your face, you little, frightened mouse!" No one replied to me. But then I heard laughing. Not normal laughing, but the type of laughing that a psychopath have when he killed someone. I have to admit, I got a little scared, but I didn't show it. I couldn't. Then someone emerged from the darkness. It was a man. But not a normal one. He was a god. God from Olymp. My brother Zelos. He had short, curly, blond hair. On his back he had his beautiful wings. I have had mine too, but I cut them off. I didn't want to have anything that remind me of my brother.

 I hated him. I hated him so much. He wasn't rejected by Zeus. He was his little guardian. He betrayed me. My own brother. 

 I looked at him in disgust. He laughed again and said, "Is that how you welcome your own brother?" he said, pretending to be sad. "You are not my brother anymore." I hissed at him." Oh, of course. We will talk about it later, because I have a message, guess from whom? Oh, yeah, you're right from Zeus. He wanted to tell you that if you won't stop killing those people, he will punish you. Believe me, you don't want it." "Oh no of course I don't" I replied. He had a smile of triumph on his face, but then I added, "But remind me when did I say that I give a fuck? Yeah, exactly, I didn't, so please shut up and fly away from me."
He was shocked I could see that. I don't know what he was expecting. That I will be a good girl? That I will listen to every command he will gave me? Oh no my dear I'm not like that. He looked at me again and said " I'm disappointed sister, you don't know what are you doing, you will regret this." "OH I DON'T THINK SO" I yelled when he gave me the last look and flew away.
I was angry. How could he be his errand boy. I didn't know who was that dude but he wasn't my brother. And I think that he will never be again.

I took the wood amd came back to Nemea. She wad sleeping peacefully. She looked so innocend and so vulnerable. I sleeped near her because I wanted to protect her. I didn't want her to get hurt.

So I felt asleep with a thought that I am the protector and I have to be really careful.

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