Chapter 08: Preparation (Part 01)

Start from the beginning

"Actually," Lycan placed his hands on her hips. "I came here to tell you that the vampires will also be attending the Lunar Ball." She wasn't an expert but, shouldn't the vampires be trying to take advantage of the ball. "My father made a treaty with them, he offered to put the war aside for one night. If Lord Alexander agrees to do the same, the vampires are permitted to join the ball as a reward."

"Both sides will be there," Raven turned to face him. "Doesn't that increase the odds of there being a cross between the two sides?" She asked. "What's to stop one of their vampires from coming over to our side?" She ran her hands through her black hair straightening it up for the ball.

"The entire ball room is going to be split in half by a fence." Lycan answered. "If either a vampire or a werewolf decides to cross it. Lord Alexander and Lord Grimm will see to it that they are killed on the spot. They will be guarding the fence personally." He crossed his arms. "Hybrids have and will always be forbidden. It is considered a betrayal to the werewolf code and is punishable by death." He smirked. "Lord Alexander's rules are much the same. I seriously doubt any vampire would have the balls to cross to our side."

"I suppose you're right," Raven agreed. "It would be foolish of them to cross into enemy territory." She started packing up her makeup supplies. "Is there anything else I should know about the Lunar Ball?" She closed her bag. "To be honest, I'm not really sure what to expect."

"There is one thing you should be aware of," Lycan placed his hands on her shoulders. "During the ball, we have this competition," He massaged her shoulders. "I think you'll love this," He smirked. "It's a singing competition." Raven's lips formed a confident smirk. "We chose one werewolf to act as our champion to compete against a vampire of Lord Alexander's choosing. The winner gets bragging rights and a trophy."

"I guess a little competition never hurts." Raven turned to face him. "What's the trophy look like? Is it fancy?" Lycan replied with a nod. "Well do we have one? Surely we've beaten them at this competition at least once." He didn't answer. "Wait, you're saying we've never beat them at this." She raised her brow.

"Precisely," Lycan replied. "Lord Alexander sends this vampire by the name of Scythe to act as his champion. He can play the piano and sing a moving ballad. The best we have is," He opened her tent motioning toward the twins. "They count as one person and all they do is this silly rap routine." Raven could imagine their routine and even in her head. It was more comedic than anything. "This time," He brushed her hair back. "I've chosen you as our champion, I think you have a better chance of bringing us that trophy."

"Well," Raven shrugged. "You wouldn't be wrong." She crossed her arms. "I was once a famous singer at the peak of her career. It's going to take a lot more than a fancy ballad to defeat the infamous Erika Ravenheart." She pointed out. "So, I just write a song and sing it or is it like a cover song that I just perform?"

"Whatever you decide," Lycan kissed the side of her neck. "Just get us that trophy." He walked out of her tent. "Twins," Jay and Jayson faced her tent. "You've been replaced." Raven stepped out of her tent. In an instant, she had captured their full attention. The mere sight of her beauty had the boys left speechless. "Raven is going to sing in your place."

"Wow," Jayson ran his fingers through the short spikes of his light blond hair. "Raven," He walked up to her giving a hug. "You look fucking amazing." Raven caught the masculine scent of his cologne as he embraced her. He was dressed in a black single-breasted suit jacket with a nice red button-down dress shirt. It was hard to believe that this handsome man standing before her is the same immature Jayson from Nightshade. "Well, how do I look?" He put his hands in the pockets of his black slacks.

"I have to say," Raven stepped back, placing her hands on his strong shoulders. "I'm impressed, I mean," She chuckled. "You're wearing a shirt." She emphasized. "You look great Jayson," His cheeks reddened a bit.

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