I love you and goodbye see you soon

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Axel pov:-

Waking up by my sister calling me
"Axe dad's calling you in his home office"

Waking up by my sister calling me "Axe dad's calling you in his home office"

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"Yeah coming sis"

Getting up from bed I go for my bathroom

Getting freshed and doing all my business

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Getting freshed and doing all my business

Wearing my casual attire

Going towards my father's home office knocking I heard a 'come in' from himAs soon as I enter father motions me to sit on the seat in front of him

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Going towards my father's home office knocking I heard a 'come in' from him
As soon as I enter father motions me to sit on the seat in front of him

Going towards my father's home office knocking I heard a 'come in' from himAs soon as I enter father motions me to sit on the seat in front of him

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"Dad you called for me"

"Yes Axel" he is serious about something he calls me by my name when it's important

When he spoke the next thing my heart just crumpled down

"Axel we are moving my rivals are coming for me for that we have to be at our own ground I felt keeping you all away from Italy was my best decision so that I could give you a good life but it's more unsafe here we are moving today"

'no no no no I confessed my feelings for lora yesterday and she's in danger I can't let her go'

"Dad can't we stay some more days please just a few days?"

"No Axel we can't you know it's dangerous for us, being the next to throne you are prone to be in danger more than anyone of us "

"Please dad I have someone very special here I can't let her go" seeing my glossy eyes dad said

"Okay Axel you have until tomorrow then we have to go"

After bidding goodbye to dad I head over to school waiting for lora to come so I can give her a special thing to remember me

During the lunch time I find lora sitting as usual on our bench with Elena

"Ele please can you give both of us a time I wanna talk to lora... please"

"Hey lora I'm really sorry to tell you this but my family is moving to Italy again when the time comes I'll tell u the reason but for now please believe me I don't wanna leave you I..I..I'm falling for you"
After telling her this I give her a necklace with two chains in it with our initials on it

I'm falling for you"After telling her this I give her a necklace with two chains in it with our initials on it

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"Lora please say something"

looking with hopeful eyes

"I will really miss you Xel. I know it's very soon but I love you" and she started sobbing in my arms

"Lora  I love you too"

Seeming surprise she hugs me tight like her life depends on me and vice versa

"I wish you wouldn't have to leave me" wiping her tears she asks me

"Xel how will I find you?"

"I'll keep a track on you amore don't worry... we'll meet soon I love you mi amore, now it's time for me to go"

Getting up she hugs me and cries "please don't leave me Xel" "please"

"Hey hey shh you know I'll meet u again and till then you'll have to be strong for me lora"

"This necklace will remind you of me that no matter what you are mine and I'm your"

"See you soon lora"

"See you soon Xel"

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