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The void made me feel as if I were weightless. I couldn't move under the drowning feeling. The echo of voices had ceased. A door appeared in front of me that resembled our bedroom door. This itch in my chest was the first feeling I can remember since being trapped here. The itch turned to burning until it was excruciating. And I was thrust through the door.

My eyes snapped open but all I see is white. My face was covered by something. The burning spread from my chest. I groaned gritting my teeth. It took a moment for my body to respond, when it did I threw the blanket off. All I could do was scream as I sat up. Seeing pain covered my skin.

Where am I? I Don't recognize anything this isn't polis. Panic overwhelmed the horrible pain I was feeling. "Freya!" I cried out. Throwing my legs off the bed I collapsed to the floor. "Ahh" I let out a strangled, pained cry. Rolling on to my back I clutched my chest.

I heard someone collapse next to me. "Commander you're awake" Clarke croaked. Her face was covered in red blistering burns. I flinched as she shakily touched my arm.

"Clarke, where am I? Where is Freya?" I panted. I was trying to breathe through the pain.

She sat back on her hands. "There was a second nuclear apocalypse" she paused taking a deep breath, "Freya's in a bunker."

"The bunker in polis? How far are we? I must get back to her" I said trying to lift myself into a sitting position. My mind is racing. I don't know how long we've been apart but I have to open the bunker.

"Wait, stop. You were shot and we've both been badly burned. You shouldn't be moving" Clarke groaned grabbing me by the shoulder.

I glared at her and knocked her hand off my shoulder. Huffing I threw my arms over the edge of the bed and pulled myself up. Clutching my chest I sat on the bed. Everything was so bright and futuristic. What is this strange place? Does Freya know I'm here? "I remember" I said searching my mind for answers. "I heard gun fire, I ran back to our room, Freya was in trouble" I mumbled.

Clarke stood from the floor and balanced herself against a table. "Titus tried to kill her and in their fight you were shot. Anna and I tried to save you but Titus declared you dead and took your body to retrieve the flame" she said.

My hand reached for the back of my neck. The flame was gone I couldn't feel it physically or in my mind. "Titus has the flame? He can't" I frowned worried.

"Gaia has the flame" she sighed tiredly. Then she picked up an instrument from the table and approached me. "Commander, you were in a coma. We thought you had died in it. Now you've been burned by the radiation blast, I need to check your vitals" she said sitting on the bed.

I nodded letting her do her check. The pain was an after thought in mind right now. "Does Freya - does she know I'm alive?" I asked staring at the ambassador. She didn't answer right away. Instead she avoided my eyes and held her instrument over my chest. "Clarke" I urged. She was holding back the information and I knew it didn't mean anything good.

She sighed dropping the instrument and removing the other end from her ears. "No she thinks you died in your bed" as she said it my heart dropped. Freya's in that bunker dealing with my death when she should not be. "Anna was the one who thought you were still alive so we brought you here. She wanted to wait to tell Freya if you survived so she didn't give her false hope" she continued.

"It's not. Your fight is not over, Lexa!"

"I love you, you can't leave me!"

"I'm sorry. . .Ai hod yu in"

Freya's voice, I remember it now. Her cries had been muffled and got farther and farther away. I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. She was heartbroken. My eyes watered at the thought of the pain I've caused her. Then I steeled myself, I am going to open that bunker and she will see I am still alive.

No Hero: Lost Among the FlameWhere stories live. Discover now