Chapter 111 - 120

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Guan Xi Lin cast him an indifferent glance and took a wide step forward, ignoring the old man.

"Stay right there!"

The elderly Family Patriarch shifted his feet to block Guan Xi Lin and snapped with displeasure: "Where are you going?!"

"Isn't today the Family Clan's competition today? Don't I have a part in it?"

"Today's competition is for the position of the clan's Young Head. You are simply not Xi Ruan's match, so it won't matter even if you do not participate!"

The Family Patriarch continued to say in a low voice, as looking into the face of the young man in front of him: "Since you've come back, just go get some rest, and not go out there and embarrass yourself!"

Hearing that, Guan Xi Lin just smiled.

Chapter 112: Losing One’s Composure

Guan Xi Lin looked at his Grandfather and the smile on his face slowly faded, as an iron blooded and absorbing aura began to permeate the air, as an unrestrained voice with a determined tone came out from his mouth.

"No! I came back here today just to take part in the competition. Rest assured Grandfather. I have no interest in the position of the Young Head. I am only thinking to ask my cousin to teach me a few things."

The same moment his voice dropped, Guan Xi Lin strode forward taking big strides, not giving his Grandfather any opportunity to stop him another time.

The elderly Family Patriarch was a little stunned at that moment, shocked by the completely different and absorbing aura spilling out from Guan Xi Lin. That dominating and cold hard demeanor, suddenly making the old man seem to see a shadow of the boy's father, which threw the old man off to become slightly dazed for that very moment…..

Watching it all from the side, the corners of Feng Jiu's lips curled up under the face veil. She cast a glance at the dazed elderly Guan Family Patriarch and then quickly moved forward to follow behind.

Leng Shuang dressed in full black eased naturally behind Feng Jiu, protecting her Mistress quietly.

When the tall and towering Guan Xi Lin came in stepping firmly upon the ground, Guan Xi Ruan who had just won another round was smiling brightly suddenly looked like he had been struck by lightning as he exclaimed in shock in a slight loss of self control: "How….. How are you still alive?"

His face immediately turned white as a sheet, looking highly incredulous, and rather flustered, tinged with a little bit of awkward guilt.

He had thought Guan Xi Lin was dead! In such a place like the Nine Entrapment Woods, there was no way that the heavily wounded Guan Xi Lin would be able to live! But, why was he still alive? Why didn't anyone tell him that Guan Xi Lin was still alive?

Another person was similarly experiencing a loss of self control, and that was Ke Xin Ya.

At almost the very moment upon seeing Guan Xi Lin, she had instinctively jumped to her feet, shocked and angry, and feeling a tinge of narcissism.

She had assumed that Guan Xi Lin had come to the Guan's Mansion to take part in the competition only because of her. Because he wasn't able to let her go, because she still held a place in his heart, which greatly fed her vain heart.

At the same time, she was angry, feeling that by coming here, he would embarrass her, because she had originally been his betrothed spouse, but had now become Guan Xi Lin's cousin's wife.

Two men one on and one off the stage, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to bear up under the curious gazes of everyone who would be keen to watch the show being put on.

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