I take the time to stand up from the couch to walk over to the bathroom and grab a towel to hang over the curtain railing before turning on the shower. I make sure the temperature's warm before stepping inside, quickly wetting my hair to put shampoo in it before using my sponge, one that I leave at Sasha's, to scrub my body after putting body-wash on it. It's a quick shower, rinsing off fast to make sure I still have time to get dressed. I still don't have a clue where he wants to take me, especially since he wants me to dress nicely. Honestly, if he were to kill me, I wouldn't even be surprised at this point. I turn the water off and pick up the towel to dry off before wrapping it around my body. Quickly stepping out of the shower, I head over to Sasha's room to get ready. Everything still feels numb and I thought that showering would help me feel more refreshed. I rummage through her drawers until I find a white tank top to wear and put it on. As I continue to look through her clothes, I find a pantsuit consisting of beige slacks and a matching beige button-up jacket. After putting on the outfit, I tuck the tank top into the pants and leave the jacket unbuttoned.

I hope it's not too formal because I'd hate to overdress for a breakup.

I slide on black heels to accompany the outfit before fixing my hair. I wonder if I'm wearing this so he can see what he's been missing out on because I'd hate it if he figured out that I've been sulking over him at my best friend's house. He doesn't need to know that I've been thinking about him. As I do my makeup in front of the mirror, I have to convince myself that it doesn't matter.

Sasha walks into her room and stops in her place as she stares at my outfit. "I love it!" She cheers while walking over to me. "Do you want him to fuck you?"

"Well, it would be nice," I say with a laugh, "but in all honesty, I just want him to miss me."

"He does, why else would he text you?"

"To kill me."

She lets out a small laugh while shaking her head, "Not gonna happen, you're fine."

There's a very soft knock at the door, so faint that it would be inaudible if I wasn't anxious about the upcoming events. There's no way that Eren's already here and if he was, then why would he knock on the door instead of waiting for me to come to his car?

Sasha gives me a small smile while gesturing out to her bedroom door, making it known that she's going to stay in here while I go answer it. I sigh again as I walk out of her room, hearing my heels click against the hardwood floor as I reach the front entrance, grabbing the knob and twisting it to pull it open with anxiety filling my chest.

My eyes immediately land on his as he stands in front of me. Eren is wearing a white button-up loosely shirt tucked into black pants with a black tie around his neck and black dress-shoes on. His long hair is tied up in a bun, loose strands falling down his forehead and framing his face. There are dark bags underneath his eyes again and he almost looks sick with the lack of color residing in his face.

There's a small smile forming across his lips as his eyes scan my body and he whispers underneath his breath, "you're so beautiful."

My cheeks flush with heat while staring at him. This reminds me of the time he came over to supposedly help me study and we ended up nearly kissing, the day of Hange's party where I was the one who left him for the first time. "Thank you," I mumble while his hand brushes against mine, "you're handsome."

Before I know it, his lips are pressed against mine in a soft kiss, trying to get rid of the past. I know this is just a break before we return to hell, but there's something about today that's different. I don't know where he wants to take me, but wherever it is, it's important to him. My arms lift up to wrap my hands around his neck to pull him closer, making sure that he's still the same Eren that I've been in love with for most of my life. Even though I shouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting him take advantage of me, there's absolutely no tension between us.

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