chapter 17

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Taking her to the red gate, Haku urged her to not look back. Watching her leave, he stood silently, sad to see someone he had grown attached to leave so soon. Walking back to the bathhouse, Haku caught sight of your strangely translucent body standing on the bridge facing the train tracks down below, waiting for him.

Haku turns to you and says, "Now she has gone home, and we can continue our lives like before." You shake your head slowly. "No, Haku," you gently say, "Nothing will be the same." Boh looked down at Haku, confused as to why he was talking to air and holding a conversation with it. "Haku dear, I'm no longer alive."

Blinking in shock, Haku tried to deny it. "No, you're alive! I saw you just before! I'm talking to you right now, aren't I?" You assured him that you were dead, he could go to Kamaji's boiler room and check. Believing he was right, Haku marched towards the room that held all the answers. When he arrived, he saw that your physical body was still there, laying as he had left it. Reaching out a shaking hand, he placed his hand in yours, recoiling when he felt how cold it was. He felt for a pulse, but nothing was there, only the harsh reality.

"B-but how?" Haku sputtered, confused. Sighing, you explained the whole situation to him. You could only watch as large tears slowly snaked their way down his beautiful face. You reached out to wipe them, but your hands merely passed through his face, saddening you by the fact that you couldn't offer the one you loved comfort when he needed it. Frantically, Haku thought of ways to try and revive you. Placing a finger over his lips to stop his rambling, you shake your head and Haku immediately understood what you meant, that there was truly no way to bring you back. You both made your way out of the boiler room, standing once again on the symbolic bridge. You placed your hands on his face, looking at it one last time and connected your foreheads. Haku shuddered at the coolness on his head while you relished in his warmth one final time. Smiling one last time at him, you slowly disappeared into the setting sky while the male could only look on.


word count: 393

first of all, happy birthday to sijyori!! this is the last chapter before the epilogue, meaning that this book is coming to an end <3 also i was chatting with a friend today and they mentioned the fact that there weren't enough paragraph breaks in the story (you know who you are 눈ㅡ눈) do you readers think that i need to add more breaks in the paragraphs?

signing out, mokkechild 

edit: so i decided to check up on my story halfway through one of my classes today and nearly had a heart attack seeing that i reached 2k reads, like ???? what- ? this story- is it really that good?? anyways, thanks for all the reads and stay healthy and safe, everyone!

(edited: added more pain for you guys, enjoy~)

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