18- No one important

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"Shut that off!"


"Either shut it off or I will throw it out of the window!"

"Try me!"

Riya sighs. "Why are you even here?"

Sunny shrugs. "I was bored, Mom went somewhere, and I wasn't going to stay with Dad and Chucks alone- by the way why did we break in here?"

Riya scowls. "It's not breaking in- it's just- who the hell keeps calling you?! Pick up or put it on silent!!"

Sunny looks at his phone, just letting it ring. "No one... now what were you saying, how is breaking the lock on a old abandoned storage room, not breaking in?"


"Miss Mehra, I think I found something." Says Parthiv from far away.

"Where are you?" Says Riya, it's hard to see in the dark, they're all using flashlights.

"We were looking for something?" Says Sunny, confused.

"Over here." Says Parthiv, but too late as Riya collides into him. Quickly moving away, but Parthiv gets closer putting a hand behind her head, the back of his hand hitting the steel shelf behind her, before her head does.

"Can't you be careful, Miss Mehra?" Says Parthiv, softly, they stand too close.

Riya smiles, softly too. "I don't need to be careful, you're careful for me- isn't that like the whole point of your job?"

Parthiv shakes his head. "What if I leave, then who's going to be careful?

Riya puts a hand on his shoulder. "Are you going to leave me soon?"


"Then why ask about something that won't happen?... You were saying you found something- what did you find?



"Through the swirly thing, into the hole and she scores!"

"Why are you being so happy, you're losing."

"Her victory is my victory."

"Our victory!"

"Oh hello, there are no teams allowed in mini golf."

"Stop being jealous Purab, it doesn't look good on you." Says Abhi, jokingly, Purab scowls, and Prachi chuckles.

"I'm winning and all but I still don't get why we need helmets, the ball is literally so tiny." Says Prachi, still confused, wearing a helmet too now, holding a golf club.

Purab is regretful. "There have been accidents in the past.-"

"Yes, accidents that required 7 stitches, and this is why I didn't want to be alone with you guys, Mom is so going to kill you." Says Sunny, smirking as he comes inside the house.

Purab scowls. "You said you knew how to play, how could I know that the ball was going to bounce off the wall, and come right back at your eye?"

"I still have the scar you know... Hi, Sunny Khanna, and you are?"

Prachi shakes his hand, smiling. "Prachi Arora, nice to meet you."

"Same, so you've already been forced to play this game with them?"

"No one forced her, she wanted to play, and she's naturally good at it, not like some people." Abhi says chuckling, looking at Purab.

"Like you're any better, Prachi just played today, and she already beat you highest score, and you already lose from your daughter every time."

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