It was empty. 

She went along the line, all of their beds being empty, and her panic only spiked as she then booked it downstairs to find Katsuki cooking with Izuku and the rest of them lounging in front of the TV. 

"Bell?" Katsuki asked, noticing her state. 

"Nee-" Izuku couldn't even get a word in before Eli had thrown herself at the two, hugging them tightly, a grateful smile on her lips as she squeezed them tightly.

"Bell, what the hell?" Katsuki said, struggling in the hug. 

Not that he didn't enjoy her hugs, but it didn't change the fact that she almost fell down the stairs, and when she finally got down she looked fucking insane. 

Eli didn't answer him though, just laughed as she bombarded them with kisses. 

"N-n-nee-chan," complained Izuku, his face bright red at the display of affection, his own chuckles following afterward as Katsuki simply exploded in red. 

"Feeling very unloved right now," Hitoshi said, a playful tone to his voice.

He knew he fucked up when Eli turned around with a glint in her eye. 

"Wait a minute, I was kidding, I was-" Hitoshi was cut off as Eli pulled all 3 of them on the couch into a giant hug, giving them the same treatment she gave to Izuku and Katsuki. 

Himiko laughed loudly as she gladly accepted the motherly kisses with a small blush, Hitoshi blushed profusely but laughed at her antics as Shoto's left side simply ignited a bit which Himiko patted down. 

"What the hell was that all about?" Katsuki asked from the kitchen. 

"Ah, nothing. I just love my babies," Eli said with a smile, making them blush once more. 

"Nee-chan! We're not babies anymore," Izuku said, a small crack in his voice from the embarrassment of it all. 

"Maybe not, but you'll always be my babies," Eli sighed with a content smile on her face, sitting in between Shoto and Himiko on the couch. 

"Oo, even me?" Himiko asked, a smile on her face as she pointed to herself. 

"Yes, even you," Eli chuckled as she placed a fat kiss on her forehead making Himiko giggle before laying her head on Eli's shoulder to continue watching Shoto's favorite cartoon. 

Which was Steven Universe by the way. 

His favorite character was Garnet, of course. 

"Nee-chan?" Izuku called as he walked over making Eli look over at him with a quirked eyebrow. 

"The social workers are coming today right?" he asked, the room quieting as a serious air seemed to now loom over them. 

"Yeah, they'll be here at 10," she said with a nod, almost as if she wasn't too concerned about it. 

"You don't look worried," Hitoshi brought up, making her sigh a bit. 

"Well, if they decide I'm not a fit guardian, chances are all of you will be taken," she told them honestly, wincing at the looks on their faces. 

"But, this isn't just for Shoto. 3 social workers will come together collectively, one for Shoto, one for Himiko, and one for Katsuki," she said with a nod, making Katsuki's eyes widen. 

"Wait, what?" Katsuki asked as he walked over, setting some plates down at the coffee table which had eggs and bacon on them, Izuku not too far behind him with more plates. 

Eli sighed a bit. 

"It's illegal for your parents to leave you here for months at a time, they wanted to give me temporal guardianship but depending on how things go you could end up staying here permanently," Eli sighed. 

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