"Sounds good Yaoyarozu, but be careful going against midoriya in the entrance exam he showed that he knew his way around a sword"

"It'll be alright besides if I need help I can always yell for you, so cmon let's start on these traps" momo said as she made barricades and fake walls to trap and hide the room. As soon as the bell rang to start the round a loud explosion was set off outside the building and soon bakugo flew up to the now broken window with midoriya on his back

"We'll show you two girls how win by a landslide" bakugo said as he and izuku entered through the window.

—-5 mins earlier with izuku and bakugo

"So basically the plan is for you make a massive explosion outside so I can locate the bomb with the echos going through the building. Then me and you go to where the bomb is, you hold off the girls while I touch the bomb." Izuku said

"NO, winning by technicality isn't a win" the hot headed blond yelled

"Oh, well the only change we would need to make to the plan is actually fighting the girls then, judging from their builds and seeing one of them in action I know who should take on who."


"Because I knew you would do this" izuku looked at his teammate in a tired way

—back to present

Bakugo flew towards kazuko and setting of a explosion in front of her so there was a smoke screen and pulled out the capture tape, but as soon as kazuko heard the tape she waved he hand around in the smoke until she caught a part of bakugo and slammed him through the floor.

"I shouldve used less ofa" kazuko gently whispered herself as she jumped down to where bakugo was.

"Izuku said you were strong, but damn that hurt" bakugo said just loud enough for kazuko to hear.

The next thing kazuko saw was bakugo in the corner of her eye both of his palms together as he made a big explosion the shot her like a bullet through the closest wall. Bakugo rushed with the capture tape out but got punched in the gut. Kazuko went to punch bakugo, But got a low powered explosion to the face. And this went on and on

—— with izuku and momo

Hearing bakugo rush off made also rush his opponent. She pulled out a 2 handed katana and swung at izuku, izuku easily dodged she swung a few more times until izuku heard bakugo get thrown through the floor. The next time momo swung at her opponent her sword got caught between the palms of her opponent.

"ITS ALL WRONG!" Izuku yelled at her

Momo obviously confused looked at him like he grew a second head

"Your form, where your swings are aiming, how you're distributing your weight, its all wrong" izuku said clearly dissatisfied with his opponents skill level.

Izuku let go of the blade and finally fought back against momo but with every couple hits he would tell momo what she was doing wrong and how to fix it. Momo, being a very quick learner improved enough to where it looked like a fair fight to the untrained eye. Izuku impressed with what he taught his opponent dodged her next attack and gave her a quick chop to the neck. Knocking her out. Jump down the hole in the floor he finds the floor below him to be in shambles. Running through the debris he finds bakugo being punched into the wall next to him.

"You look like shit.Tag me in kaachan." izuku said holding his hand out. Was followed a quick tap to his hand.

"I'll jump back in soon, just lemme catch my breath" bakugo said breathing heavily

Izuku walked up to kazuko who stood around six inches above him.

"Heya yagi, how are ya"

"Why didn't you touch the bomb"

"Because he would've thrown a fit" izuku said pointing at bakugo with his thumb

"I can still hear you" bakugo said still clearly tired.

"I know I'm just making fu-" a punch when right towards Izukus face but he dodged at the last second. Izukus face was utterly confused. She started to throw more punches but izuku just dodged or deflected them. Soon kazuko jumped back to catch her breath.

"How did bakugo lose to you. You're so slow"

"Oh ok it's like that then huh" kazuko said as she made a deep breath in and out. Steam started to come off her body and she started to shrink in muscle size and by a couple inches. "I'll show you who's really slow"

She started punching again but this time it looked like multiple punches were coming are the same time. Izuku could see through the mirage but it was getting increasingly harder to. So he jumps back, takes off his blindfold, and jumps back in to the fight. Kazuko still is faster but at least now he can see kazuko and everything she's trying to strike perfectly. The loop of izuku kazuko punching izuku and izuku dodging continued until bakugo came in with a light explosion at kazuko and izuku following up with the capture tape.

The hero team has won

Finished sep/23/21

The "seeing" hero (version 1)Where stories live. Discover now