Chapter 5

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The afternoon was beautiful, the sounds of cars passing through and the sunsets in the sky could be seen.

The sky looked like a watercolor painting

Jeongin rushed to the door to see that Hyunjin was right there waiting for him.

He was also dressed up nice

He wore a white button up shirt and some black skinny jeans and black boots.

He looked so handsome Jeongin thought

Hyunjin also took a surprise when he saw the little one. How could someone be so cute

The pair started making their way to the movies, like before it was a little awkward.

Not much conversation

What type of movie do you wanna watch?
asked Hyunjin

I prefer to watch something that's scary said Jeongin.

Hyunjin was shocked at the little ones response. He wasn't expecting him to say a scary movie at all.

Hyunjin also loved scary movies.

So a scary movie it is then, he smiled

At the theatre, the little one sat close the the older one. He didn't wanna seem like a coward
but the truth was that he was.

They sat there and watched the movies some pop up scares here and there. But overall it was fun.

After the movie was ended both came out laughing.

"I thought you said you liked scary movies"

"I do hyung it's just that I can't get used to those scary pop ups"

Hyunjin laughed

And I wouldn't be talking hyung don't act like you didn't get sacred cause I know you did.

"Well maybe just a little"
Hyunjin said

Both headed to the park it was still to early to go

They noticed there was a fair really close and Hyunjin asked Jeongin if he wanted to go.

He thought about it and he didn't really have any other plans so he agreed.

When they got there they saw all types of rides and games.

Hyunjin grabbed the little one by the wrist since it was really crowded.

"Let's try this one"

It was a ride for two people where one person had to sit behind another and the ride would spin.

The thing was that most likely Hyunjin was gonna make Jeongin sit in front him.

When it was their turn Hyunjin took a seat first and signaled Jeongin to sit on his lap. This made the boy a little shy but he did.

When the ride started they didn't think the ride was gonna be so fast Jeongin felt Hyunjin's hands go around his small waist.

But Jeongin didn't feel uncomfortable just shocked

He was enjoying the moment

After the ride was done Jeongin and Hyunjin went on to play some more games. Hyunjin decided to play the dart game.

Basically you shoot a dart and pop 3 balloons in a row and win a prize the guy explained.

Hyunjin took the chance and like that he popped three balloons in a row. Jeongin was amazed that Hyunjin managed to pull that off.

His prize was a cute rilakuma teddy bear

"Here you go for you"

Jeongin looked up

"Omg really are you sure"

Hyunjin just smiled and nodded

Jeongin couldn't believe Hyunjin just gave him a bear. He hugged that bear to calm his excitement. 

It was now late and Hyunjin walked Jeongin home.

Hyunjin walked next to Jeongin with his hands in his pockets and Jeongin walked with his teddy bear in his hands.

They finally arrived to Jeongins house

"Thank you for coming Jeongin it was nice today"

Hyunjin looked up and saw the younger boy

"Well thank you for inviting me and thank you for the teddy bear again"

Jeongin wasn't shy anymore he was more confident now.

"See you tomorrow Jeongin"

"See you tomorrow Hyung"

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