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Percy had become Guardian of the Hunt after Zeus' orders. Percy had asked for death but this is what he got.
It had been a few years and the Hunt accepted Percy as a brother to them. Artemis admitted she had feelings for him. Percy admitted that he had feelings for her. So they went out. All happy until that one day.
Zeus had called a meeting. No on knew what it was about. But he had told Artemis to bring Percy. Once everyone had arrived and Percy stood by Artemis' throne. "I have called this meeting to discuss that Percy is a spy for Kronos and Gaia. He helped them in the wars and acted like he didn't. I say we kill him or send him to Tartarus for his crimes" Zeus boomed. Everyone looked shocked at Zeus' statement. "Mi'Lord how was I a spy? My fatal flaw is loyalty to those who I love. I would never betray you or Olympus" Percy spoke up. "Liar! Apollo check if he's lying!" Zeus ordered. Apollo nodded and concentrated on Percy "Father I believe that Percy tells the truth. He does not betray Olympus or us. He is not a spy for Gaia or Kronos" Apollo answered looking at Zeus.
"Apollo this boy could be trying to cover himself up" Athena pointed out while most gods nodded "I believe Apollo. The boy is my champion and he would never do anything like that. His heart is pure gold. A heroes heart" Hestia said and Hades nodded "yes my champion is a hero. Not a betrayer. Zeus I believe that you seek power. If you kill him then prepare for war. I will not allow mine and Hestia's champion die" Hades threatened Zeus. Percy looked grateful towards Hestia and Hades while Hermes, Apollo and Hera agreed with Hestia and Hades. Percy walked to the middle of the room and looked at all the gods. Even the minor gods were called for this. He could see that the minor gods felt sorry for him while few Olympians felt sorry. What shocked Percy the most was that Artemis agreed with Zeus and the rest of the gods "Percy has been wandering off lately" Artemis stated as Percy looked at her shocked "M'lady I've been wondering off to check if there's any monsters or to have a moment of peace" Percy looked at Artemis is the eyes to see regret. "I'm king and I'll make the decisions" Zeus looked at everyone of them "all in favour of not killing Percy?" Zeus asked as Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, Hades, and Hera with some minor gods raised their hands. "All in favour of killing Percy?" The rest of the council and gods raised their hands including Artemis.
Percy looked heart broken. His lover and father wanted him dead. They didn't care about him part from his blessers and adoptive mother. Poseidon looked at Percy before looking away in shame. Artemis looked sad and guilty towards Percy, regretting her decision. "Kill me then. But remember I shall never forgive those who wanted me dead. I'll never help in the next war, even against my own will. I will stay loyal to those who voted for me to live. If you think I did what Zeus said? Guess what? I didn't! My fatal flaw is loyalty for Hades sake!" Percy said with a broken voice but also with venom in.
Zeus threw his bolt at Percy. Percy opened his arms, ready for the death he the bolt hit the last thing they saw were broken sea green eyes. The once happy sea green were for evermore a broken pair, stuck in every gods mind. They started to realise what they had done. While the gods who voted for him to live cried. Tears fell down their faces as they looked at the spot where Percy just died. "Get ready for war! You killed him! You killed our champion, Hera's son and Apollo, Hermes, Iris, and Hecate's blessed demigod! Prepare for war Zeus." Hades aid it coldly towards Zeus while the others agreed "yeah right! Like you'd do that over a demigod!" Zeus snorted but quickly regretted it under Hades' glare and Hestia's anger with his wife angry at him "we would! You killed my son! My only demigod son!" Hera screamed. "Get ready brother. For I shall not be peaceful once war comes" Hestia said which shocked everyone. "Pick your sides. Choose wisely though" Iris said, her rainbow eyes glittered with a murderous glint in.
Gods picked sides. Which shocked most gods was that Ares chose Hades side. Also with Artemis, Poseidon, Demeter and Persephone. The armies were equal but with the outcome of the armies you could tell who would win.

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