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Karn arrived Hastinapur along with Vrushali, Vrishketu and Bhuvika. Karn got down from his chariot and helped Vrushali get down from the chariot aswell. Bhuvika and Vrishketu were in another Chariot which was behind Karn's chariot. Maharaj, Maharani, Duryodhan, Bhanumati, Gandhar Naresh, Dushasan and Lakshmana came to welcome them.

Duryodhan and Karn shared a hug and Bhanumati and Vrushali shared a hug.
Little Lakshmana was looking up at everyone waiting for Karn to see her. After greeting everyone Karn finally looked down at the pair of eyes which were looking at him since a bit of time. He kneeled down to Lakshmana's height and gently pulled her cheeks.

"What happened you need something?" Karn asked confused with a small smile.

"Pranipaat tatshree "she joined her hands and greeted him" Kakashree where is Bhuvika?? Didn't you bring her with you?" Lakshmana asked crossing her arms. Karn chuckled and said. "Ofcourse I brought her...after all you asked so i had to...." he got up and turned towards the chariot and saw Vrishketu coming out of the chariot and then helping his sister to get down from the chariot. A smile played on his lips seeing this. Little Lakshmana didn't wait a second and rushed towards them and hugged them. Karn and Duryodhan laughed seeing this.

"Lakshmana missed Bhuvika a lot mitra...." Duryodhan said with a smile

"Same with Bhuvika mitra....she missed Lakshmana a lot" Karn said chuckling

"Arya...let's go inside..." Bhanumati said

"Yes Bhanumati..." Duryodhan said and turned towards Karn. "Let's go inside mitra..." he said and Karn nodded.

At night....

Lakshmana and Bhuvika were in Lakshmana's room after they had their dinner and took bath.

" you know Suthanu will also be coming from Indraprast along with tatshree and kakashree" Lakshmana said while brushing her tresses. Bhuvika who was reading a book looked at Lakshmana. "How do you know jiji?" She questioned raising her eyebrows.

Lakshmana turned towards her and said "I personally wrote a letter to Tatshree Yudhishthir and requested to bring Suthanu with her.....and he also sent a reply saying that he will surely bring her with him" Lakshmana replied with a smile.

"That's good jiji....i met Suthanu jiji years ago......this time we will ask her to stay here in Hastinapur for some days" Bhuvika said excitedly

"Good idea Bhuvika!" Lakshmana replied.

Bhanumati and Vrushali came in the room and saw the girls sitting together and talking.

"Lakshmana, both are still awake?....its really late now both should sleep now tomorrow your tatshree will be arriving Hastinapur......" Bhanumati said with a calm smile. Hearing this Lakshmana and Bhuvika looked at each other with excited expressions.

"Really kakishree? They will be coming tomorrow?" Bhuvika asked to which Bhanumati smile and replied "yes putri...tomorrow now go and sleep" she said caressing her hair.

"Bhuvika....tonight you sleep with me..." Lakshmana said and looked at Vrushali
"Badimaa...can Bhuvika sleep in my roo....please?" Lakshmana asked

Bhanumati and Vrushali looked at each other and laughed "yes putri why not" Vrushali replied with a smile

"Now sleep or else you won't be able to wake up early tomorrow...." Bhanumati said. Both the girls nodded and then Bhanumati and Vrushali left the room

The next day was a big one for everyone. It was time for Pandavas to return back to their home, their family. Everyone was excited as Pandavas were coming back to Hastinapur after a very long time. Mata kunti was eager to meet her sons and daughter after years. Her heart was filled with joy. Everyone was busy with the preparations for their welcome.

Bhuvika and Lakshmana along with Vrushali and Bhanumati were in the the royal kitchen checking on the food. A dasi came in and Informed that the Pandavs have arrived. Hearing the news the two girls squealed in delight and both ran towards the palace gates where they saw everyone standing to welcome Pandavas and Draupadi.
Lakshmana and Bhuvika walked to Duryodhan who was standing beside Maharaj. Seeing them, Duryodhan gave a smile and placed his hands gently on both of the girl's head and the girls smiled in return.

The most awaited moment finally came. The chariots which came from Indraprasth entered the palace gates. The Pandavs and Draupadi got down from their chariots and were gleaming with joy. Seeing their family after such a long time gave them utmost elation.

Pandavas, Draupadi and the two kids Suthanu and Abhimanyu walked forward. First Pandavas and Draupadi  took blessings from Maharaj, Maharani, Mahamahim, Mata Kunti and Mahamantri Vidur and then Suthanu took blessing from their elders. Everyone were delighted to see Abhimanyu and Suthanu.

Then Lakshman took blessing from Pandavas. After that Lakshmana and Bhuvika came forward to take blessings from them. The Pandavs and Draupadi were equally delighted to see Lakshmana and Bhuvika.

"You've grown up so much my were so small when i saw you last time Lakshmana" Draupadi said smiling with misty eyes as she placed her hand gently on latter's cheek.

Bhuvika was adoring the beautiful scene standing in front of the Pandavs. Arjun's eyes turned towards little Bhuvika and he immediately recognized her as he saw her the day she was born. A smile spread on his lips on seeing her after such a long time. Bhuvika felt the pair of eyes on her and she looked up and saw Arjun. The person about whom she heard in stories was today in front of her eyes. Arjun took a step forward and kneeled down to her height. Placing his hand gently on latter's cheek he said.

"You were so small....and see have grown so much Bhuvika.....It feels like it was just two days back when I held you in my arms....." Arjun said remembering the day when she was born.

"You know me?" She asked a bit surprised

"Ofcourse i do putri.....I remember holding you in my arms on the day you were born....." Arjun said to her. Bhuvika smiled hearing that. She placed her tiny hands on Arjun's cheeks which didn't even covered the half of his face. He chuckled softly and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He got up and Bhuvika touched his feet.

"Ayushmati bhava!" He blessed. Draupadi's and the rest of the Pandav's eyes turned towards them as they too recognized that this was Bhuvika. They went inside the palace. The Pandavs went to mata Kunti's room with her and Mahamahim, Draupadi proceeded was with Bhanumati and Vrushali. Abhimanyu, Lakshman, Lakshmana, Suthanu and Bhuvika went to Lakshmana's room. Duryodhan along with Dushasan and Gandhar raj were with Maharaj making plans for tomorrow's game.

A preher passed and it was now time for dinner. Everyone was in the dining hall having food, talking, laughing....cherishing a beautiful time after a long time. After having dinner everyone went to their rooms. Pandavs along with Draupadi went with mata Kunti and the kids went to their room.

The sky was filled with dark clouds and the night was cold. Bhuvika was in the balcony gazing at the dark sky her eyes were fixed to the moon. She knew that something was coming. Bhuvika was confused and worried but didn't let it show on her face holding calm expressions constantly telling herself that everything will be alright.

Suthanu who just came from Pandavas room saw Bhuvika in the balcony. Standing there alone. She walked to her placing her hand gently on latter's shoulder.

"What's bothering you so much Bhuvika?" She asked softly. Bhuvika who was lost in deep thoughts kept looking at the moon, taking a deep breath she smiled calmly and replied

"Nothing jiji.....just thinking about something" she said. Suthanu gave a small smile

"Its really should sleep now" suthanu said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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