New Sunrise

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The sky was filled with dark clouds as it was heavily pouring with rain in the East of Aryavarth since the last five days. Vatsa and Malla were warring against Ang, the war started 3 days back and was still going on as two kingdoms were together warring against one. Karn was in the battle a bit far from Ang from the last 3 days. He was very tensed because of the war and in Ang Supriya was 9 months pregnant and was not well.

In Ang....

Supriya was in her room on the bed. She was reading a book when suddenly she felt a lot of pain in her swollen belly. She started wincing and screaming because of the immense pain. Vrushali heard Supriya screaming and came in her room running. She came in and saw that Supriya's water broke

"Hey Narayan...." she said with a gasps and quickly went to Supriya. Vrushali caressed her hair and wiped Supriya's sweat with the pallu of her saree.
Supriya held her jiji's hand tightly breathing heavily

"Dasi! Call the raj vaidya!" Vrushali ordered a dasi and the dasi rushed to the raj vaidya.

"Breathe Supriya..." Vrushali said tensed which caressed Supriya's hair and Supriya grabbed Vrushali's hand tightly

"J..ji..jij A..Arya ko bula lijiye..." Supriya said crying as she was not able to bear the pain. Vrushali nodded and ordered a soldier to take her message to Karn

I was raining heavily, the dark clouds filled the sky. The raj vaidya came in Supriya's room with her dasis. They started the treatment asap.

A few chariots from Hastinapur, Dwarka and Indraprasth entered the gates of of Ang palace. Duryodhan from Hastinapur, Vasudev Krishna from Dwarka and Arjun from Indraprasth came and sakhis of Supriya, Rukmini, Subhadra and Bhanumati also came with their Naths to Ang to see their sakhi. Duryodhan with Bhanumati, Vasudev Krishna with Rukmini and Arjun with Subhadra came out of their respective chariots and saw each other here. The ladies had a small smile on their face seeing each other after a long time. They all moved inside the palace.

They were welcomed by Adhirath and Radha. And they took them inside the palace.

In the battlefield....

Karn got the message and his face turned pale.
"Hey Parmeshwara...." He looked around tensed and saw his sena fighting fiercely. The senapati came towards Karn

"Maharaj....Ang may aapki aavashyakta hai....aap jaiye hum hai yaha pai...." he said with a small smile to which Karn nodded "Har Har Mahadev" Karn said like a whisper collecting courage in his heart. "Har Har Mahadev!" Senapati said

Karn quickly took a horse as there were no chariots available. He rode swiftly in the rain towards his kingdom.

In Ang....

Vrushali came out of the chamber all tensed and she saw Arjun, Duryodhan and Vasudev Krishna along with with their Lakshmis. A sigh of relief left her mouth as she saw them here. Bhanumati stepped forward and hugged Vrushali and caressed her back
"Don't worry we are here now...." Bhanumati said with a small smile and wipes the sweat that was on Vrushali's forehead with the pallu of her saree. Rukmini, Subhadra and Vrushali also shared a hug.

"Thank you everyone...for coming here" Vrushali said with a small smile

"Don't worry bhabishree....we are always there for you and Karn...." Duryodhan said smiling

"Sakhi......we got this prashaad from Somnath for everyone" Kanha said handing Vrushali a small clay pot which was filled with kheer. Vrushali took it with a smile.

"Dhanyavaad Mohan...." Vrushali said with a calm smile

"Maharani...." Arjun was saying but was stopped by Vrushali in between

"Vrushali..." Vrushali said with a calm smile. Arjun smiled and said "Vrushali...Nakul sent this medicine for Rajkumari" Arjun gave the medicine which was wrapped in a big leaf. Vrushali took it "dhanyavaad Rajkumar...." Vrushali said "Arjun.." Arjun said "dhanyavaad Arjun" Vrushali said smiling with a nod.

Karn came there running and everyone's eyes turned towards him. He saw everyone here and somehow he got courage. Everyone gave Karn a calm smile. He was all wet because of the rain. Vrushali saw her Arya after three days and hugged him.
Karn took Vrushali in his embrace close to his heart and caressed her hair. "I am here..." he whispered in her ear and nodded slightly

A dasi of the vaidya came out of Supriya's room to get some herbs and was stopped by Karn

"How is Supriya?" Karn asked worried

"Kshma Maharaj....Rajkumari's situation is very critical....Raj Vaidya is trying her best" the dasi said and went inside the room. Karn was shocked, the ground under his feet slipped. He looked at Vrushali whose skin turned pale. Everyone got tensed. Krishna turned towards the balcony and his lotus eyes gazed at the dark sky and his expressions turned serious. Seeing him like that Rukmini turned towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder and his eyes turned towards his Shree

"Nath....don't worry....everything will be fine" Rukmini said "I don't know Lakshmi....this time i don't know...." Kanha said and closed his eyes. Rukmini understood his tension and decided to stay silent.

Karn sat on the couch and held his forehead tensed about the war, Supriya and his child. Vrushali, Bhanumati and Subhadra went in Supriya's room. Arjun walked toward Karn and placed his hand on his shoulder. Karn looked up at him and Arjun gave him a comforting look. "Sab theek ho jsiga Angraj...." Arjun said softly and Karn nodded giving him a small smile. For the first-time Karn felt connected to Arjun.

Suddenly the loud voice of the new born's cry filled the entire palace. Everyone smiled hearing the cry after a few minutes Vrushali came out along with Subhadra and Bhanumati with the baby in her arms wrapped in a red cloth and Karn came towards her. The Raj Vaidya came and said "Badhai ho Maharaj...Lakshmi aai hain gadh may...." Karn smiled widely and his eyes filled up with tears. The rain slowed down and the dark clouds started to move away. Karn went in Supriya's room. He saw her on the bed. Karn went to her and sat beside her facing her. He held her hand and placed a soft kiss on her hand. Supriya gave a faint smile "Arya...." she whispered breathing heavily "i am here Priye..." he said caressing her hair "Bhuvika...." she said and her eyes welled up with the tears of joy and Karn smiled and nodded "our daughter....thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift priye...." he said caressing her cheek. Supriya smiled "go....see your daughter" she said, Karn smiled and nodded. He went out.

Vrushali came towards him and placed Bhuvika in his arms.
Karn took his daughter in his arms and the Maharathi broke into tears of joy. The mahamantri came towards him running "Badhai ho Maharaj! Badhai ho! You have won Vatsa and Malla!" Karn's happiness double as he looked at his daughter in his arms. "You brought happiness, joy and good luck with you are my heaven...." he said and kissed her forehead "Bhuvika! My daughter will be know as Bhuvika" he announced gleaming with joy. Everyone congratulated Karn. The sky was clear and the rain stopped after five days and the sun beamed brightly giving Ang its pious light. The Praja celebrated the birth of their Rajkumari and the victory over Vatsa and Malla.

Hi people!
That was the first chapter of this book i hope you guys like it!
Do vote and comment. I will be updating next chapter very soon until then...
Take care
Bye bye ❤❤❤

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