Day 26

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Hello Mr. Stark!

I'm so sorry if my letter was really short yesterday. And if I said anything offensive in it, then I greatly apologize, I was half-asleep when I wrote it-

It's Friday!!! Friday is one of my favourite weekdays, because it announces the end of the week and into the weekend, and also because of your AI FRIDAY. :) 

Unfortunately, I don't have any plans this weekend. Maybe I'll hangout with Ned and MJ, or take Morgan out for some ice cream, I dunno...

It would be better if you're here. How are you holding up? I hope my letters aren't flooding your room. And I'm sorry if my boring letters about my life are a bother... 

I've already figured out some small details for the AI I want to build. I'm just waiting for you... 

I've looked over some of FRIDAY's coding with Ned, so I could understand the basics. 

Also, I've realized there's one big problem that I still haven't figured out-

I still don't know how to drive!

I mean, May's taken me on some small rounds in the parking lot, but it's not the same. I still feel guilty from ruining Flash's car during the Homecoming dance.

Oh well. I'll learn sometime. As long as the Parker LuckTM doesn't strike, I'll have the time to learn it. 



(A/N: eeep a few more chapters and I'll wrap this story up! Bear with me, we're getting to the good finale/cliffhanger soon :) thank you to my supportive readers <333)

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