"And I'm sure Mr. Potter has made you aware of his parent's activities?" Dumbledore questioned rhetorically. Now both of the twins were worried. How did he know that?

"Well, they aren't sneaking off. They're part of the Order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore revealed. Rose and Lily had no idea what that meant, they might have been more confused than before.

"The Order, as we call it, is an underground society that I founded. Its purpose is to rally willing wizards and allies to help stop Voldemort. Gather information on him and his movements, find a way to defeat him," Dumbledore continued, not stopping to let the girls process the information.

"The reason I'm telling you this is because I trust you. And I believe that you both are courageous, that you want to help. And if he wins, that would have tragic effects for both of you. He cannot win." the headmaster stated sharply.

"I cannot ask you outright to join, you both are still in school. But after, when you've graduated, I want to make it clear you have options to help. We always need more members in the fight and both of you have great skills," he said. Dumbeldore had barely finished speaking before the girls responded.

"We'll do it," they said at the same time.

Maybe it was one of the stages of grief, the revenge. Maybe it was because they were young or wanted to protect other muggle-borns. But they knew they wanted to help.

Dumbledore smiled.

"Your vigour inspires me but again, I cannot have you officially join until you have graduated. All of your friends have been told this and I'm sure they have been preparing themselves though they have been told not to. And they will fill you in on the rest. But let me say once more, hope is not lost. It never will be when we work together," the headmaster said fiercely.

The newly inspired twins nodded and when dismissed, headed straight for their old common room.

In their new determination, they hadn't realized that they didn't know the common room password. When they arrived, they opened their mouths, then closed them.

But someone from behind them gasped. "Rose and Lily! Oh my god! How are you two!" Mary said, hugging them both.

"We're good. Happy to be back," Lily said with a smile to the girl. She nodded and then said the password to the Fat Lady.

Mary led them into the common room. "Hey, shit heads. Look who I found," Mary said loudly.

By the fireplace, all six of Lily and Rose's friends sat. They looked tired but good.

All of the teenagers turned their heads to look. Every single face lit up. Alice was the first one up. Her smile made Rose feel the happiness that radiated off of the girl.

She pulled both of the twins into a hug. "Merlin, I missed you both. I didn't think you'd be back yet!" She said happily, looking between the identical faces.

"Well, we couldn't stay away forever," Lily said as Alice went back in for another hug.

Next was the respective significant others. Marlene came and hugged Rose, James hugged Lily.

"Why are you back so soon?" Marlene questioned, looking Rose in the eye. She was worried.

"Well, it's not exactly soon, Mar. Four months is a long time. Besides, we needed to come back. Needed to be here," Rose assured, kissing Marlene quickly.

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