First Glance (Chrollo)

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Author's POV

At first glance Chrollo looks like a normal, well dressed, and charming man.

He always opens the door for you or carries your bags. He takes you out for dinner and spoils you with gifts. He gently kisses your forehead or hand when you greet each other. He showers you in affection and praises you.

He'd steal for you no doubt, but you didn't think he was serious when he said he'd kill for you.

From an outsiders point of view he's the perfect gentlemen and boyfriend. They see a man who simply adores and worships his lover.

What they don't see is the way he tightens his grip on your waist whenever a male passes by in public. They don't see the way he panics and gets angry when you don't tell him where you're going.

They didn't see the way he slit a man's throat for simply opening the door for you and commenting on how lovely your dress was. They don't hear when he yells and throws books because you wanted to go out with your friends after work.

They don't see how utterly possessive he is of you. How he threatens to pluck any man's eyeballs out for even daring to look at you. How he threatens to cut their tongues out for even speaking to you.

Don't even bother wondering why you haven't seen your male co-worker who brought you coffee last week because you were slammed with paperwork. Your co-worker is most likely behind a dumpster somewhere.

Chrollo needs his hand on some part of your body so he knows you won't run away and leave him. He has to know where you are and what you're doing. Don't bother working overtime for extra cash, he'll lose his shit.

You didn't know that before the two of you started dating that he would break into your apartment and steal your panties. How he'd jack off to the thought of you and leave your panties stained with his cum.

How he stalked you daily and followed you home. He even watched you sleep sometimes.

Don't bother having male friends, they'd end up dead the next day.

Chrollo has driven himself insane over you. He obsesses over everything you do. He's possessive to the point that sometimes it's suffocating and you have to beg for some space. But that just ends in the two of you arguing and him on his knees begging for you to stay. Tears streaming down his face as he burys his face in your shirt, begging you to forgive him and stay the night.

His only desire is to please you. Which often leads to you crying from overstimulation. He marks your neck and chest with hickies. Don't even think about covering them up for work, he'll think you don't love him anymore.

When he has a Troupe meeting you're either sitting on his lap or sitting between his legs with your head resting on his thigh.

You're surprised he lets you speak to the Troupe members seeing as how majority of them are males.

You were in love with him in the beginning. You absolutely adored him and enjoyed spending time with him, the sex was great too.

But now you're honestly afraid to break up with him, because he might actually kill you.

"If I cannot have you Y/N, no one can."

Adultrio x F.Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now