Triple Red (Trio)

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Soulmate AU requested by RavenQueen1414

Author's POV

Three red lines wrapped around your right pinky when you turned 16. Over the years you would notice other little red lines wrapped around other people's pinkies, but never more than one. Some had none. You came to learn that it meant the amount of soulmates you would have in your lifetime. The evening you met Chrollo, Illumi, and Hisoka, the lines disappeared. There's did too. 

You were currently dating and having dinner with Chrollo, Hisoka, and Illumi. That being said, you still wondered how the hell you ended up in the particular situation that lead you here.

"I see she's doing that flashback thought process face again~"

Illumi shifted in his seat glaring at Hisoka, "And I get called an air-head."


It all started at a prestigious event, a red dress, a broken heel, and spilled whiskey. You had taken on a job to assassinate a few upper class scum who dealt in drug trafficking. This was common in your line of work, but you haven't been an assassin for long. But at the time you weren't aware that another assassin had already done the job, or that you would meet a charming thief, and a mischievous magician. 

'What the hell...I got all dressed up and came out just to not get paid and already have my work done for me! I mean I needed that money, but some long haired bug-eyed bitch already took those men out. What the hell, might as well enjoy the free food and drinks. But still let a bitch know she doesn't have a job anymore beforehand!'

What also wasn't in the nights agenda was sitting at a bar at 3 AM with said bug-eyed assassin, charming thief, and mischievous magician. But here you were in a whiskey stained red dress, and barefoot. Earlier that evening after conversing with Chrollo at the bar, you found Illumi and attempted to toss your drink on him, however it was flicked back onto your dress. Hisoka chuckled and made a comment about his favorite color being soiled on such a precious looking toy. Chrollo offered to walk you home, but you insisted on going alone. But still those 3 followed you and as you turned around to yell at them, your heel snapped off.


"You think she'd notice her dessert is here by now, she has such an insatiable sweet tooth."

Chrollo took a sip of wine and casually waved his hand in front of your face. Hisoka was trying to play footsies under the table to snap you out of it. As for Illumi he could care less as he stared out the window.

"Oh my by the look on her face, maybe she's thinking about what the 4 of us did last night~"

You snapped out of it and pushed Chrollo's hand out your face.

"No, just thinking about how I ended up meeting you 3 idiots."

"Well you can safely say that your heels and the whiskey weren't the first thing we broke or stained~"

You shivered and flicked Hisoka off. Illumi grabbed your middle finger and pushed it back down.

"At least act like you know how to sit down and have a meal with us."

"Least I'm not failing at playing footsies under the damn dinner table-"

Hisoka ran his fingers through his hair and chuckled.

"Least I know how to be discrete about my actions in public~"

After a semi- civil dinner, the three of them lead you to a quite grassy hill.

"I don't get why we are here, what's so special about a grassy ass hill this late?"

Chrollo pulled you down into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"You'll see my little spider."

Illumi sat by your feet and Hisoka sat right next to Chrollo. The four of you sat in silence for a bit just staring at the night sky. 

"Look Y/N."

You sat up in Chrollo's lap when you noticed that fireflies had lit up the entire sky. All around you they were dancing in the air. 

"It-It's so beautiful- There's so many of them!"

Illumi moved closer to you and placed his hand on your knee, his gaze never leaving the light show before him. Hisoka laid sideways on the ground and rested his head on your thigh. Chrollo held you and watched your face light up with joy as you got lost in the lights.

"Yes, so beautiful."

A few minutes later, you wiggled out of Chrollo's arms and walked down the hill. Illumi and Hisoka sat a few feet apart from Chrollo. The three of them watched as you smiled and caught fireflies. They were still learning to all get along for your sake, but had no problem getting along in the bedroom.

"Sometimes she's so carefree and childish about the simplest things like fireflies."

Illumi watched you open your hands and release the fireflies. Your giggles brought a sense of comfort to him. 

"My precious little spider really is something else."

Hisoka had a few fireflies crawling on his shoulder. He wanted to flick them off so badly.

"Yeah someone tell her to come back up here and get her little friends off my shoulder."

You ran up the hill with your hands cupped together and sat down in front of them.

"Guys look, I caught these for you!"

You opened your hands and little fireflies flew out and danced around Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo. You giggled when one of them landed on Illumi's nose. And for some reason they were drawn to Hisoka and Chrollo's earrings.

You laid in-between Chrollo and Illumi and let the soft grass tickle you. Hisoka made himself at home between your legs and rested his head on your stomach. Chrollo slid his hand into your left hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. Illumi intertwined his pinky with the pinky on your other hand and gently squeezed it. The four of you laid out under the stars and dancing  fireflies until the sun rose. 

(Let me know what you think about this first little soulmate AU scenario!)

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