Chapter 18: Fears, Friends and Fights

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Misery loves company

Chapter 18:Fears,Friends and Fights

Hey guys :) Just a big thank you to two very special people who show their support for my story continuously. It makes my heart happy. I appreciate all of your support and love and we are almost at a end. Just 2 more chapters. We are ending on Chapter 20 which I will be posting on Sunday.

P.S ~ This chapter does contain some sensitive scenes but overall it isn't that sensitive.
true friends are burning stars they shine brightest on those darkest nights~atticus

*a week and a couple of days later*

Amy's pov:

"Sheldon,you can do this. I believe in you. " I said watching him stare at the car frozen.

"I know I can. I would just rather take a bus or a train right now. " Sheldon said slowly taking steps backwards like the car was a threat.

I walked to him as I took his hand and placed it on his chest to feel his heart beating," A beating heart. You are okay. I am okay. We are okay. "

"Amy I can still see it in my head. I can still see the car hitting me. I don't want to go in the car. " Sheldon said with his voice shaky and his eyes closed as if it could block out all the fears.

"I know Sheldon.If you don't want to go in then we can walk home. " I said holding his hand trying to be understanding.

"You would really walk all the way home with me from the hospital because I have a ridiculous new found fear of cars. " Sheldon said with a small smile.

"Of course I would. It's you and I always. You don't like cars then I don't either. "

"You really are something else Amy. "He said shaking his head with a bigger smile but I knew behind that smile was appreciation. He was glad I would. He was glad he wasn't alone," I love you Amy" He said as if it were his last time ever saying the words as he cherished every word on his lips.

"I love you to, Sheldon. Let's start walking or it will take us forever to get home and I want you home as soon as possible. "

"I want me home as soon as possible to. Okay let's do it. Let's take the car. " Sheldon said hesitantly and I could hear the fear in his voice.

"No Sheldon. You aren't ready yet. We agreed to take it one fear at a time. "

"Would you stop being so stubborn ? This is my decision. We are taking the car. Leonard is driving and you will be in the backseat with me. If at any time I feel like I can't be in the car we can stop and walk the rest of the way. " He said convincing me like it was my fear but I knew he was trying to convince himself to.

"But Sheldon I don't want you to feel forced into anything. "

"I'm grateful for that Amy but you and I both know I need to do this. The quicker I get over this the better so that means facing my fears. I have made my decision. I have you to help me and that is all I need. "

"Okay fine but if at any point you feel like you can't do this we are getting out of the car and walking. " I said sternly.

"Yes Amy. " He said rolling his eyes then looked at me as his smile came back,"I missed you so much,Amy. You know it is so annoying when you want the best for me. "He said laughing as he placed my face in his hands.

"Tell me about it. It is annoying when you don't want the best for you. "

I reached to my tippy toes to reach his height then kissed him. All the fears and worries would slowly fade away with every kiss that kept us wanting more. It was just for that perfect second where nothing mattered anymore and it was just us. The world faded away and the problems we couldn't seem to find a solution for dissapeared until it was just the two of us in this kiss. I never wanted it to end but we both knew Leonard was waiting for us in the car and could see us.

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