Brianna looked at Diavolo.  "Are you okay with meeting my mother?  If it's too much, just say so and we can...". He kissed her to stop her from talking.  "Yes!  I would love to meet your mother.  Relax, take a breather, and we will have a wonderful lunch.  Okay.  Just let me summon the little d's to gather this stuff."  With a snap of his finger the little d's grabbed all the bags and left.  "Wow, I love them."  Diavolo laughs.  "Yes, they are very helpful."  After they left Brianna and Diavolo went to the store and back before her mother arrived.  "Hey, are you nervous?"  Brianna nodded her head.  "Yeah, your not?"  He shook his head.  "No, because it doesn't matter.  I love you and I want to be with you.  So if your mom doesn't like me, it's okay.  I'm not going anywhere."  And they kissed in the kitchen.  "I got to pee?"  Brianna headed to the bathroom and the door bell rang.  "Hello, you must be Brianna's mother.  How are you doing today?" Brianna's mom just looked at Diavolo, as she walked in the door. "Hello, who are you?" Diavolo introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Diavolo. And you are?" Brianna's mom introduced herself. "Terry." Brianna got from the bathroom. "Hey mom, glad you made it. Are you hungry, we have everything set up at the dining room table." And they all headed towards the table. "So how are my grandchildren?" Brianna spoke. "They are doing great! They are growing well, and we have about 3 more months left before they are born, the goal is between 32-36 weeks." Brianna's mom pointed to Diavolo. "Who is he Brianna? And where are you from?" Brianna walks next to Diavolo. "This is Diavolo, my boyfriend. We've been together for three months now, and he's from Devildom, where I do the exchange program." Terry's eyes widened. "Devildom? Where is that? Just tell the truth is he the actual father to these children? And where is your husband? Did you know she was married? How on earth do you have a boyfriend?" Brianna shook her head. "Okay, 1, Devildom is what we call hell but a lot nicer, no he's not the biological father of the children, do I want him to be, yes, 2, You know he left me. 3, yes, yes he does and he wants to be in our lives, and lastly, if my husband can have a girlfriend, then I can have a boyfriend." Brianna's mom, Terry, just shook her head. "Is he a demon, your dating a demon? Does Tony know? And what about the children?" Brianna sighed. "Yes, well future demon king, and Im okay with it. Why would I tell Tony, clearly he's moved on and not answering his phone or even ask about them. And the children will be with us in Devildom." Brianna's mom just sat at the table, stunned by the news. "Mom, I really like him, He has been honest with me, caring, he has loved these babies early on in the pregnancy. And I want to be with him, and one day we will get married too. I've been heartbroken by so many people, then a demon comes along and treated me so much better." She reached for his hand. "I get it, you don't understand, but I'm living with him in Devildom, and I wanted you two to meet." Brianna's mom wasn't happy. "Why couldn't you date a human? Demons are wrong, and no. I don't approve of this." Everyone got quiet around the table until Brianna's phone rang. "Well, well, well, talk about perfect timing, you talk to him right now."

"Hey Brianna, it's me. How you doing?"
"I'm doing great, how are you?"
"I'm doing wonderful too, listen I wanted to call you and see if I can make amends with you, you know ask for forgiveness?"
"Why? Why are you asking for forgiveness?"
"Well, Tiffany's catholic, and I plan on marrying her, and we have to forgive ourselves for the wrong doing in our lives, and I wanted to start with you."
"Your getting married to Tiffany? Don't we have to get divorced first?"
"Well, that leads me into my forgiveness, Brianna, we aren't married."

Diavolo looks over at Brianna out the corner of his eye.

"Yeah, it wasn't official. Um, I just hired some person to pretend to marry us, it was really a bet, and we aren't even married."
"So, our entire relationship was a lie?"
"Yeah, I made a bet with your brother on who could sleep with each other's sister, and I won, because here's the kicker,  I don't even have a sister."
"So Patrick knew?"
"Yeah about the bet, so we don't need to get a divorce after all. Will you forgive me?"
"So, the whole WEDDING WAS A FUCKING LIE! And you chose now to tell me?"

Brianna's mom, looked at her. "What's going on?" Diavolo leaned over. "And I'm not good enough for her for being a demon, you should talk to him." Brianna's mom looks at Brianna. "Brianna what's wrong?"

"Hold on, I want you to say that again, and I will put you on speaker phone, so you can say that to my mother."

Brianna puts the phone on speaker and placed it on the table.

"Go ahead."

"Tony what's going on?"
"Hey Miss Parks, I was asking Brianna for forgiveness for all the wrong doing in my past, because I'm want to get married to my girlfriend."
"But you're married to my daughter?"
"Yeah, about that. Actually we are not. We never were married. I made a bet with Patrick about who could sleep with each other's sister, and I don't have a sister."

Brianna's mom was shocked.

"So, everything was a lie? Did Patrick know about this fake marriage?"
"He knew about the bet yes, but the marriage part no. Listen I have to go. Please find it in your heart to forgive me Brianna. I'm sorry."
"Wait, what about the children? What about the babies she's having?"
"Well I will have to seek their forgiveness too but I won't be in their lives. I can't have kids out of wedlock. So Tiffany and I will be getting married pretty soon. Oh, and you should drop my last name too. Gotta go. Bye."

Brianna hung up the phone and looked at her mom. "So whose the real demon, mom?" And got up and walked to the room. Diavolo and Brianna's mom sat at the table not saying a word. "I love your daughter despite how you feel about me. We have evolved since the previous generations of demons who did bad things just because. I have worked hard to have a wonderful civilization in Devildom that mirrors the human world. But if you still on the fence with me, that's fine. If me being a demon bothers you that badly, that too is fine. But I will never do that to your daughter. I actually want to be with her, and only her." And he pulls out a ring. "This is my mother's ring, the one my father gave her. She was a human too. And she died after I was born. And I want to give it to Brianna. I wanted your blessing but if you don't, I was still going to give it to her anyways. Excuse me I will go check on her." And he got up and walked to Brianna. Who was in the bedroom, ripping up the wedding photos. "Lies, lies, lies! All of it a lie." She pulled down her wedding dress. And cries into it. "Why? Why did he do that to me? Am I that bad of a person? Why would Patrick do that to me?" And cries some more. Diavolo sat behind Brianna and wrapped his arms around her. "I just hate him so much. I'm sorry. I'm...". He turned Brianna's head towards him. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You did nothing wrong, you are perfect." He looked deep into Brianna's eyes. "You are perfect to me, and for me and only me. I know I said I wanted to wait to say it to each other but, if we say it now we can return to the other life we have and leave this behind us. So do you want to say it, together?" Brianna grabbed his hands. "But if we do, everything we learned about each other as of late will be lost. I've learned so much about you, and you about me, I'm willing to wait, but know this I do! I do so much!" And she hugged him. He looked at her dress. "This isn't bad. Let me see it on you?" And he handed it to her. "What, I can't wear this first it's too small, I'm a lot bigger now, but will you help me then?" He smiled at her. "Yes." Brianna started undressing and puts her wedding dress on. "Okay it's a corset dress, and the tie was the pain in the butt. Just tie it up in the back, don't pull too tight." They got it on for the most part and Brianna showed Diavolo what the dress looked like. "See, I had a long vail. And my brother walked me down the aisle too. Me and my mom picked this dress out together. I feel in love with it, immediately." Brianna started tearing up. She went and grabbed some tissue and when she returned Diavolo was on one knee. Brianna was surprised. "Brianna, I love you! I've love you for so long, I can't imagine being without you. I want you! I see such an amazing woman in front of me, and to not be with you should be a crime. I want us to be a family, and I want to marry not just you but the babies too. I want all of you. Will you become my wife?" He pulls out the engagement ring he showed Brianna's mom. "Yes! Diavolo!" And she kissed him. Brianna's mom was in the hallway behind her, and smiled as they embraced. "Congratulations you two. And I give you my blessings!" Diavolo looked at Brianna. "Oh, I need to put this on your finger." And placed the yellow diamond on her ring finger. "It's beautiful!" And with that broke the curse on them, floods of memories came back to Brianna. And she blacked out. "Brianna? Brianna?"

Obey Me: Unexpected Too Part 2Where stories live. Discover now