Chapter 9

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  This chapter goes into explicit details of sex and sexual activities.  If talks of sex is too much for you to handle, please skip this chapter.  You have been warned.

   As Brianna walked into her room, and she set her bags down, and flopped on the bed.  She had a huge smile on her face, thinking about her evening of shopping, walking around Devildom, and her dinner with Lord Diavolo.  "He's not so bad, actually he's really good looking when you think about it, and for him to be a demon, could of fooled me."  Brianna decided to take a shower, and get into bed.  She left to go to the bathroom and came back 25 minutes later.  While in her room, drying off, she got a text message. 

L.D: Brianna, I was texting you to let you know two things.  First, I'm home already.  And second, I enjoyed our evening.  I would like to do that again.  I need to head to bed though, I have to run a school tomorrow.

Brianna texted back.

Bri: WHAT??  You are a teacher as well?

L.D: No, I'm sorry I again forgot to mention, I run the R.A.D here, it's the Royal Academy of Diavolo, a school for us demons, to work on magic and I would love for you to start tomorrow.  I think Lucifer has an uniform set out for you already.  I'm what you may know as the Headmaster, or principal.

Bri: WOW!!  You said run the school. Really, I would have never guessed, you have anymore surprising news to share, like that you're married, or have kids already?

Brianna was shocked that she texted that to him.  Seeing how she's currently married and about to have a child herself.

L.D: No, I don't.  I am single, and no children either but one day. It's just me, my butler Barbatos and a few demons who lives in a huge castle.  Besides me  ruling Devildom, I do have a hotel in the works in the human world actually we will be opening it real soon too. I'm a pretty wealthy demon in Devildom with excellent investments.  But other than that, that's all their is about me.

Bri: Okay, clearly you love surprising people, a hotel in the human world.  Nice, maybe I could stay their sometime.  And I'm sure there's so much more about you, but I find you fascinating, kind, funny, and really charming for a demon.  And don't forget very sexy.

(Oh gosh, why did I type that. Now I sound desperate and easy. Well in telling the truth.)

L.D: Really, you think I'm sexy, I get that a lot from demons and witches, but it's nice to hear from a human sometimes. And I find you absolutely beautiful.  Very sexy yourself, Miss Brianna.

   Brianna and Diavolo text back and forth for a while longer until Diavolo called her.

"Hi, I just wanted to hear your voice.
Brianna laughed.  "Good, because I wanted to hear yours too."
(Okay, pull it back girl!)
"Brianna, I would like to take you out, on a actual date.  Would you be interested?" Brianna was nodding her head, yes.
"Absolutely, why wouldn't I be."
(Duh! You're not single!)
"Good, we will have to pick a time and place.  I was thinking maybe in the human world, something romantic, and quiet.  Maybe a over night thing so we can watch the sunrise, and I can see your brown eyes much better."
Brianna started moaning.  "Mm, keep talking!"
(Stop! Listen to your conscience.)
"Brianna, I wanted to kiss you when we were looking at the stars."
"Me too, I wanted to kiss you too, but we were interrupted by so many people walking by."
(Stop! Please listen to your conscience!)
"How about I kiss you right now?"
Brianna nodded. "I wouldn't say no to that."
(Screw my conscience.)

  Brianna put her phone down and Diavolo appeared in her room.  He looked in her eyes, walked over and sat on her bed, then kissed her.  They kissed for a few minutes.  His tongue, her tongue, both of them kissing each other.  He puts his arms around her body, positioning her to his lap.  Brianna, who just got out of the shower, only had a towel on, and Diavolo kissing on her neck.  "Oh, yes!"  She moans, as he licks her collarbone.  She started grinding on his lap, as she felt his erection grow.  "Oo, Brianna.  I want you so badly."  He said, between kissing different areas on her body.  She looked in his eyes, and kissed his lips again and removed her towel.  Diavolo's hand rubbing on her soft body, he dug his nails into her, raking her back slowly.  She was still on top of him as he kissed down to her chest, licking from her chest to chin.  He grabbed her breast and started licking her nipples, slowly extending his long tongue, keeping eye contact flicking her nipples around.  She slowly moved off his lap, and pulled him on top of her.  With him on top, she started kissing on his neck, slowly licking from Adam's apple to chin.  While Brianna was doing that, Diavolo was undressing, pulling off his shirt, and kissing Brianna torso, slowly making his way down her body.  Moans come from her mouth, and she felt him kiss on her bikini line.  "Wait, are you sure?"  He chuckles.  "Absolutely."  And he split her legs apart, pushed them up towards her chest, and licked her pussy.  "Uhh!!"

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