Episode 2 "Farming" (Arc 1)

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The body's name is also Tian Mi. 0051 said that for the convenience of the task, her future body name will be Tian Mi.

This is a farming article. The male protagonist is called Li Gu, a hunter. He used to be a soldier and fought in wars. After the battle was over, Li Gu returned to his hometown of Lijia Village because he was disfigured and unable to become an official.

He became married to the fiancée who had been married before, but the daughter-in-law disliked him and refused to share the same room with him. Later, she asked herself to go down and marry someone else as a concubine.

The female protagonist is Liu Mengmeng, a foreigner from Lijiacun. Liu Mengmeng is a college graduate from the 21st century. He became Liu Mengmeng of Lijiacun because of a car accident.

Liu Mengmeng has a stepmother. The stepmother took a fancy to Li Gu's betrothal gift, so she married Liu Mengmeng who had just passed through to Li Gu.

Liu Mengmeng fell in love with Li Gu the first time I saw Li Gu. Li Gu is tall and tall. Because of martial arts, he has a good figure and a scar on his face. Although it is a bit ugly, in Liu Mengmeng’s view, he is She is very masculine. She has been fascinated by soldiers since she was a child. When she grows up, she wants to marry her brother, but now she can't marry. It's not bad to marry a soldier.

Li Gu also likes Liu Mengmeng very much, soft and small, and not afraid of him. After marrying at his home, he treats his parents very well, unlike his ex-wife Tian Mi.

Therefore, the male lead and the female lead live a short life in their parents, HE.

Tian Mi is from Tianjiacun, and Lijiacun is a neighboring village. He married Li Gu at the age of 14, but as soon as he was married, Li Gu went to serve as a soldier, and it lasted three years.

Tian Mi is the village flower of Tianjia Village. It does not look like a natural beauty, but it is also a Xiaojiabiyu, which is much better than the average village girl.

It's not that there are no big families to propose marriage to her. Tian Mi's father is an honest person, and he is afraid that Tian Mi will be bullied by the big family. Don't all the big families like to have concubines sharing a room.

Tian Mi's father is not greedy for money, so he wants his daughters to live well. Li Gu's father is a carpenter and has a stable income. Li Gu is an expert hunter, and he has only one son in the family. So Li Gu's family proposed to Tian Mi, and Tian Mi her father agreed with one bite.

Originally, Tian Mi was photographed with Liu Ming, the son of Liu Dahu's family, but her father disagreed, the order of her parents and the words of the matchmaker. In addition, she thought that Li Gu was very handsome, and she agreed.

As a result, he had just decided to marry Li Gu and went to the army. I thought that he was only 14 anyway, and he would have to wait another two years to get married. As a result, he waited for three years. Tian Mi's father just wanted to retire. Li Gu came back. Although he had brought money with him, he was disfigured. There was a scar from the left temple to the nose on his face, which was terrible.

But the kiss has already been decided. If the reason is Li Gu’s disfigurement, then Tian Mi’s reputation is also bad. Tian Mi his father thought, life is not by face, Tian Mi is 17 and she will become an old girl if she doesn’t marry. He stopped thinking about retiring and married Tian Mi.

Tian Mi was frightened by the scar on Li Gu's face on the first day of her marriage. After that, she shared the room with Li Gu. Li Gu felt that she owed Tian Mi and left her alone. Aunt Li Gu is a good woman, and she feels that she has lost Tian Mi, so everything is good to Tian Mi, and all good things are close to Tian Mi. Nothing in the housework allowed Tian Mi to touch her hands, and she offered Tian Mi like an ancestor. He also developed Tian Mi's arrogant and indulgent character, which is even more serious, and she loses her temper at every turn. After two years of this kind of life, Tian Mi couldn't live anymore. She couldn't bear Li Gu's ugly face. She felt that the Li family owed her to her. She felt that she shouldn't be a village woman. She began to regret and regret. When Liu Ming came to propose to her, she did not agree.

Liu Ming, the eldest son of the big family, also knew Tian Mi's life. He also took a sigh of relief when he was refused to propose to Tian Mi. Knowing Tian Mi's thoughts, he began to hook up with Tian Mi, and finally Tian Mi asked Li Gu for a letter of resignation and became Liu Ming's concubine. It's a pity that after a year, Liu Ming had a fresh energy, so he abandoned Tian Mi, and finally threw it out of Liu's mansion.

She went back to find Li Gu, but Li Gu had already remarried, and Li Gu liked the current wife very much. He didn't even look at Tian Mi when he saw Tian Mi, let alone Tian Mi's pleading.

Tian Mi returned to Tian's house, but was swept out, and refused to recognize her as a daughter. She invited herself to go down and became someone's concubine, which humiliated Tian's family.

Later, Tian Mi was spotted by the traffickers and deceived Tian Mi. Tian Mi was sold to Goulan and became a prostitute. She eventually contracted an illness and died.

Before she died, Tian Mi's wish was that if time could come back, she would definitely live with Li Gu and give him a big fat boy.

The main task is to get Li Gu's love. If you have fulfilled the body's wish, you will get energy.

0051 said that it was the first time she did the task, so the difficulty of the task was not high. When she entered Tian Mi's body, it was the morning of the second day after Tian Mi had just married into Li Gu's house.

After absorbing the content of the mission and all the memories of Tian Mi, she has understood the world and is almost integrated with Tian Mi. This is her advantage. Her experience is blank, so she can more contain memories that do not belong to her.

When she opened her eyes, she was covered with a big red quilt, which was prepared by her family. The pattern on the quilt was embroidered by herself, and her embroidered shoes were placed beside the bed.

She changed her wedding gown, and because of her temper, she threw the wedding gown on the ground. In addition to the wedding gown, the ground was full of peanuts and lotus seeds, which were originally scattered on the bed, but were swept all over the floor by her temper.

This is Li Gu's room. After getting married, it was used as a wedding room, with a red scorpion on the window. Her dowry is placed in the corner of the room. There is not much dowry. There are only two boxes. They are basically her clothes. There is nothing valuable. In the center of the room is a wooden square table, on which is a teapot and two tea bowls. The four square stools may be because of her. There was an extra dressing table in the room, a mirror on the table was covered by red cloth, and a jewelry box. The candles on the high table had been burned. Tian Mi moved and sat up. Putting on the shoes, she slowly cleaned up the things on the ground and put the wedding gown into the box.

Putting on the clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror. Although it was a bronze mirror, she couldn't see clearly, but it could be seen that this face was pretty, fair skin, and not at all rough skin like ordinary village women, even Liu Mengmeng also married to Li Gu's house to be tender and white. Before, she had black skin, dry figure and stunted growth.

But Tian Mi is well-developed, and she has everything she should have. She has a thin waist and a visual height of 1.6 meters. Her figure is uneven.

There are two older brothers in her family, who don’t need her to do farm work, so they won’t be exposed to the sun or rain.

There are two sister-in-laws in the family, and she is not too much to do housework.

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