Yandere Hinata Hyuga (general)

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-Hinata is a stalker by all accounts; she watches you from day until night. Wherever you go she's sure to follow, taking place as your shadow.

-She knows it isn't right for her to feel like this or be doing things like following you and memorizing everything thing their is to you and your life but she can't help it, you're just far too tempting.

-Hinata has a habit of collecting things of yours. It started out small with a pen/pencil that you may have dropped or even a candy wrapper you threw away. If it was something that you touched she'll want it in her possession. She never intended for her collection to get as out of hand as it has but she doesn't mind it. She's very proud of the shrine she's built with what she's accumulated.

-She will get much bolder when it comes to taking your stuff. Even breaking into your home, sneaking into your room and seeing what she can take that won't be too noticeable or missed.

-Once she breaks in she can't stop. She loves feeling close to and what better place to be close to you then your own home! She'll take her time looking around, seeing and learning whatever new things she can. Taking mental notes of everything; what foods you eat, what books you read or movies you watch, what shampoo/conditioner/body wash/lotion you use, what kinds of blankets you like, the type of pillows you use, plants you have, ect. Literally everything will be noted.

-With everything she's seen you have in your home or on your person, she'll will buy for herself. Now she can be even closer to you with out being near you at all but that's what she loves most about watching you; getting to be as close to as possible. Being anywhere in your presence is enough to make her light-headed.

-Hinata is the type to drug her obsession, taking the chance to be close to them. Touch them. Be there with them. She'd rely a bit too much on drugging them to a point where she would keep them sedated throughout the day.

-She could get away with all of these things too. No one would ever suspect or even believe shy, sweet, innocent Hinata of doing anything like these things.

-Hinata isn't too bad to be stuck with, as long as you're good and play along with it. Honestly, all she wants is to be close to you. She'll give you more freedom then most yanderes but she does expect you to stay within her reach. She can have a sort of Jekyll and Hyde personality when it comes to her obsession. She's primarily soft, sweet, gentle and doting. But she can get...scary sometimes.

-Usually she saves her more scary, unhinged side for anyone she seems as a threat or just plain doesn't care for. But there are rare occasions she directs her more unsettling personality towards you; mainly due to you stepping out of her delusion. And boy is she delusional when it comes to you.

-Hinata is the type to get jealous of your other friends and really anyone else who has your attention. She can be patient but only for so long. It's during these times when she really considers keeping you all to herself.

-She isn't one for punishing you but the same can't be said for others. Especially if they've been harmful towards you or your relationship/friendship with Hinata. And she does not take any treatment towards you lightly, even if it isn't necessarily bad or wrong.

-The most she'd ever do to your for punishment is isolate you and not come to visit you. Honestly, it hurts her more then it hurts you. Once she deems enough time as gone by, she'll race as fast as she can back to you. The rest of the time is spent with her apologizing and smothering you in affection.

-Can you really blame Hinata for all the things she does though? This is just how she shows her love and adoration for you. Please don't hold it against her. After all, she just can't help herself.

Yandere Headcanons 🍥Naruto edition🍥 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang