Yandere Tsunade Senju (platonic)

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-Tsunade is extremely overprotective. She doesn't want any harm to befall someone she has become attached to as intensely as she has her obsession. She can't lose you like she lost Dan. She will personally train you herself to ensure you have the top notch fighting expertise as well as medical knowledge to take care of yourself in any given situation.

-But she also doesn't want you to be capable enough to take her on. She still wants some control over you. As much as she would never admit it she likes the dependency you have on her, whether physically, mentally, and or emotionally. As much as she wants you to be independent and thriving, she still wants you to need her. Even if it's not for anything too important. Tsunade just wants to stay a part of your life and she'll be damned if otherwise.

-As Hokage, Tsunade has even more authority over what you can and cannot do. Not to mention more authority over your protection. If you're shinobi then she can dictate what missions you are assigned or take part in, or even who your team is. She can't have you with people who can't work together or at least have your back, now can she?

-As a civilian she can pull strings for your convenience or inconvenience. Suddenly your rent has decreased to a more comfortable and maintainable amount and you've been promoted at your job. Or maybe your rent skyrockets so much so that you can't keep up with payments. And now your job has become too much for you to handle or they just up and fire you altogether. Now you have nothing. But it's okay, Tsunade's here to take care of you. Why don't you come to live with her? She could even get you a job at the Hokage Tower, working close enough to her. You'll be all the more dependent on her now, won't you?

-Tsunade would also go as far as to assign an anbu to trail you, keeping an extremely close eye on you and reporting everything back to her. It doesn't matter what it is you do during your day to day activities, she wants to know every single little detail. Especially, when it comes to who you've interacted with.

-If her obsession were to ever ask her to stop drinking, Tsunade would most definitely take it into count. She may not stop completely but if it worried you so than she would lessen it quite a bit. She does care about what you say, your opinions and worries. And if her alcoholism is one of those things then she'll compromise.

-Any and all friends or lovers are heavily scrutinized by her. She doesn't think anyone will ever truly be good enough for you but if they make you happy then so be it. But she's keep an excruciatingly close eye on them, sending anbu to dig up whatever they can on these "friends" or "love interests" of yours. She just doesn't want you getting hurt or taken advantage of. But Tsunade also wants you happy above all else. If you do get hurt she'll always be there, even if she does come off as a little 'I told you so'.

-If any true harm and malicious intent were to come your way, Tsunade would be infuriated. She wants to see you and know your condition before she decides what to do. Usually she would spring into action right away but when you're involved, you're her top priority. Seeing you, knowing you're at the very least alive will ease her, only a little. But depending on what has been done to you, Tsunade will take that into count when she sends for the bastards to be brought to her. She'll have them regretting their very existence when she's done with them. She may even give them to Ibiki to do as he pleases with.

-Tsunade cares about her obsession, so much so that it hurts. She wants nothing but the best for you but she's so terrified of losing someone she cares so much for. She doesn't want to go through that again. She doesn't want to be alone again. No matter what, Tsunade is not going to lose you. If she ever did then that would be the end of her.

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