xingyun - nightmare (fluff)

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chongyun sat up, breathing heavily. he didn't normally get nightmares, but when he did they'd be ones that would be hard to forget, ones that would be stuck in his head for weeks. he tried to adjust his eyes to the darkness of the room, feeling cold sweat on the back of his neck. his hands were trembling, his vision was blurring, and he hunched into a ball, grabbing the sheets in both of his fists tightly. he jumped a bit when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"snowflake? are you alright?" xingqiu asked, still half asleep. chongyun turned to face his boyfriend, forcing a smile.

"sorry if i woke you, i'm fine." he reassured, frustrated that his hands wouldn't stop shaking. xingqiu sat up, worry etched into his expression.

"if you're fine, why are you crying, my liege?" xingqiu laughed humorlessly. he cupped chongyun's face delicately in his hands, brushing away tears with his fingers. chongyun hadn't realised he was crying. he quickly wiped any lingering tears away and tried to smile again.

"i'm fine, don't worry ab-" xingqiu cut him off by pulling him into a hug, lying back down. chongyun was too tired to struggle out of the embrace, so he turned to face xingqiu instead.

"it's okay to not be fine all the time, my love." xingqiu said softly, kissing chongyun's forehead. fresh tears pricked chongyun's eyes, and he buried his face in xingqiu's chest as he started to cry uncontrollably.

xingqiu held him close as chongyun cried, gently running his fingers through the boy's hair. until he met xingqiu, chongyun had never had someone to let out his problems to. once he realised he could talk to xingqiu about basically anything that was on his mind, he took a while to learn how to open up as he had never done it before. he was so used to just saying everything was fine, and it was a habit xingqiu was trying to help him break. he couldn't do too much as he didn't want to ever force chongyun to tell him what he was thinking about; all he could do was be there for chongyun and give him his all when he did let his problems out.

"i-i... dreamt the s-spirits took you a-and... i couldn't reach y-you... it felt s-so real," chongyun gasped between sobs. xingqiu let out a sad sigh, taking one of chongyun's hands in his.

"it's alright, my dear, it was just a dream and as long as you're with me, it'll never happen. knowing how strong you are, nothing will ever hurt me if you're there with me, and i promise the same for you. it's the least i could do in return." he reassured gently, hearing chongyun begin to calm down and his breathing steady. chongyun looked up at the other, his sky blue eyes filmy with tears and messy light blue hair falling over his eyes.

"i know, i..." he hesitated for a moment, exhaling. "i love you," he whispered, leaning back against xingqiu's chest. Xingqiu smiled as he pulled the blankets over chongyun and himself, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek.

"i love you too, my liege."

this kinda hit close to home, ouch

527 WORDSS this was kinda just something i wrote while i procrastinated homework but it turned out better than i expected xDD

anyways thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed :D i love xingyun so much help

hope you have a great day/night !!

- ari

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