Chapter 4

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"Minami?" Haruka chimes, calling out to Minami who is wandering the inside of a local flower shop. But, he is far too focused on what he's doing to have heard Haruka.

He seems to be silently looking through the flowers. Touching the lilacs with delicate hands, sifting through the roses, and quietly admiring the tulips. Haruka watches from afar, focused intently on Minami.

Minami eyes a specific bouquet of pink and red roses, wrapped neatly in newspaper. He purchases it and leaves the store. Haruka doesn't call out to him again, despite his deep curiosity. He can't quite imagine who Minami would buy flowers for, and frankly, he isn't entirely positive he wants to know.

Later that evening, Minami had been preparing for his dinner with Torao. He'd already planned it all out, from the very first thing he'd order to the very last thing he'd say. But, his nerves still got the best of him. His palms were abnormally cold, and he couldn't quite keep still. The thought of Torao complimenting him was enough to sway him, fall for him all over again.

He couldn't recall the exact moment it was that he'd fallen for Torao. It was a love that grew over time, it had become so intense that it became hard to even be next to him. Minami wasn't even sure that he had a chance, especially not considering that Torao was a world-renowned "lady-killer." Minami didn't stand a chance against them, or at least that's what he assumed. Despite his attempts at flirting, Torao hadn't noticed, or perhaps he did and he simply didn't care. He was as idiotic as ever, and even that was loveable to Minami.

Torao had made reservations for a restaurant that he'd gone to many times. Presumably one that was likely owned by his family, not that he'd admit it. But, Minami had already made that assumption.

Minami was the first one at the table. He sat down, rubbing his hands together, an attempt at warming them up. The bouquet of flowers he'd bought sat aside on the table. Minami could not wait to give them to Torao, he just couldn't wait to see his flustered face; Likely more beautiful than in Minami's imagination.

His knee bounced, though he forcibly stopped it. But, the other began to bounce as well. He tapped his fingers on the table, hummed a silent tune, and tried to keep himself from fidgeting.

He expected this. Torao's lateness was certainly not unknown to him. Yet why was he so afraid?

Suddenly, footsteps approached the table.

"Would you like anything to drink, sir?" A waiter.

Minami is overwhelmed with every feeling and content just isn't one of them.

"Ah, just water is fine, please."

He returns with a glass of water, as well as a large pitcher for refills, so large that Minami is sure he can't manage to drink it all himself.

But, by twenty minutes, Minami already had two full glasses of water. He is tempted to pour another glass but restrains himself from doing so. Ultimately, he fails because by the 45 minute clock, he's already consumed 5 full glasses and still has room for more. The nerves truly began to kick in then. And despite his many calls, and desperation in text messages, Torao did not pick up nor did he respond to any of them.

By his seventh glass, Minami had lost his appetite completely. And he begins to feel sick.

He leaves the flowers on the table as he gets up, exiting the restaurant with a heavy heart and an upset stomach. He keeps his head low, both in shame and in pity. By the time he reaches the outside of the restaurant, the streets are empty and quiet. But, the thoughts in his head are loud and boisterous and he can't reel them in.

A rush of the cold nightly air undos the hair style that he'd spent so long doing, not that he cared for it now. After taking one deep shaky breath, Minami's nerves are now accompanied by anger.

"Minami." Torao's voice.

He looks up to be met with Torao, his eyes are nothing but remorseful.

"I'm sorry for being so late," Torao says through dry laughter. "I really didn't think I'd be this late."

"It's fine," Minami says through gritted teeth. "It's normal coming from you."

Torao is speechless, "I..." He reaches his hand out to Minami, but Minami takes a step back in rejection. "How long were you waiting?"

"Long enough."

"I'm sorry," he mumbles. Judging by his posture, he seems apologetic but that wasn't enough. "It's not like this was all that important, anyway."

Minami blanks out. His skin is cold and his face pales.

"Am I not important to you?" Minami asks through tears. Though, he doesn't realize that he'd been crying until Torao reaches out to him once more. A tasteless tactic as Minami tries to reject him once more, but he is far too weak to push him away now. Embarrassed, he wipes his tears and looks away.

Torao's hands are placed awkwardly on Minami shoulders, close to a hug but not quite there yet. Torao's tempted to hold him but Minami is stiff and immovable.

"I..." Torao begins, tongue-tied, lost in a trance. He doesn't answer, despite the long and silent pause.

"It's fine," Minami's voice is monotonous and low, hardly coherent. "I'll take my leave now."

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