Chapter 1

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minami and tora's relationship is much different than what i normally write, but i love these two together and their chemistry. please join me in going wherever this story goes... ;p


Zool has grown increasingly popular throughout the months. Their name graces the front covers of magazines, the headlines of talk shows, and the billboards of Shinjuku.

Even so, Mido Torao isn't very happy.

He finds himself waiting. But, he isn't sure what exactly he's waiting for. He doesn't know why, but something is missing. He is satisfied with Zool's success, and overall pleased with himself. But, he can't figure out why his heart has begun racing more than usual, the feeling he gets whenever he performs on stage. A mixture of pain and pleasure that only occurred at specific times, though he wasn't sure what it was and why it happened. And frankly, he wasn't even sure whether he wanted to find out.

"Good morning, Mido-san," Natsume Minami, member of Zool and acquaintance of Torao, greets as he walks into the room.

And then there it was again, the sudden pound of his heart. Torao couldn't help the pain in his chest. He clutches his chest, writhing in pain, "G-Good morning, Minami."

Minami narrows his eyes in curiosity, pulling out a chair to sit down, "Something wrong?" Minami points to Torao's chest.

"No, nothing." Torao says, putting his hand down, though the pain still lingers. "It's nothing."

"Oh," Minami mumbles, though he doesn't care much. "I'm surprised you're here early, Mido-san. Usually, you're the last one in."

"I'm trying to change my bad habits."

"Really?" Minami leans forward, intrigued. "That's surprising coming from you."

"Is it really?"

Minami nods, tilting his head to the side, a small smile pokes out, "Yes. It's strange but I suppose I could get used to it."

Before Torao can respond, there are two knocks on the door and then a slight push. Inumaru Touma enters, carrying a wet umbrella.

"Good morning," Touma says, he has a slight grin on his face, one that he attempts to hide as someone follows from behind him.

Isumi Haruka kicks the door open wider, drenched in rain. His hair soaked and his clothes dripping with water. One squeeze of his sweater was enough to fill a glass it seemed, and judging by the look of frustration on his face, he wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

"Sorry, we're late. It started raining," Touma apologizes sheepishly.

"I can see that," Minami says, hiding a smirk behind his hand.

"Haruka..." Torao begins. Haruka looks at him with lackluster eyes. "Did you... forget your umbrella?"

Touma bursts out laughing but he stifles it quickly. Haruka growls, ignoring Torao's snarky remark. Though, the other members are quite amused.

"Anyway, Tora, I'm surprised you got here before us."

"Is that really so surprising?" Torao questions, unamused.

"Yes, it is," Minami agrees.

"Yes, actually," Touma tells him. "A pleasant surprise."

Mid-conversation, the door is pushed open once more.

"Zool, you're on stage in 20!" The stage director announces snappily. "Please, get into your costumes!"

"Looks like it's almost time for the concert," Minami says, sighing. He gets up from his seat and stretches before looking over at Torao, who is still sitting down.

He heads over to him, catching him off-guard. He and Torao lock eyes, and somehow the pain returns to Torao's chest once more. The eye contact doesn't break, even as Minami bends down to whisper to him, "Do your best, Mido-san."

The concert was a success as per usual. The crowd was as eclectic as always, waving their glow sticks around frantically. Some even try to catch the attention of Zool themselves. Haruka always gave in. Touma often did too. Minami and Torao, on the other hand, weren't so easy as to perform fanservice. But, today, Minami blew a kiss into the audience, winked, and turned to look at Torao, who was so distraught by it all that he nearly forgot to sing.

In the dressing room, Torao was the only one inside. The other members were long gone after the show, Torao preferred it this way. Lately, his mind was in a jumble. His thoughts were seemingly normal until he thought of Minami, who made his heart race. Torao didn't think much of it. After all, Minami was a boy who resembled a girl, of course his heart would be confused.

As Torao left the building, he put on his coat and took out his umbrella. The forecast predicted rain for the rest of the day.

The back exit of the building was blocked by a very familiar silhouette.

"Minami?" Torao spoke, tapping him on the shoulder. "What are you still doing here?"

Minami turned around, meeting Torao's eyes. "I'm waiting for the rain to stop. It seems I forgot my umbrella."

"I see..." Torao looked down at his umbrella and then back at Minami, he continued to do this for a few more seconds before finally giving in. "Listen, don't take this the wrong way but... do you want to share this umbrella?"

Minami laughed quietly, a small smile peeking out from behind his hand. "Sure."

So Minami stepped beside Torao who couldn't stop his heart from fluttering. The two began walking to the train station together. Torao kept a good distance apart from him, even if it meant he'd get soaked by the rain. The rain pattered against the umbrella, it was heavy but bearable. Suddenly, Minami stops.

Torao stops as well, facing him in confusion.

"Huh? Minami, what's wrong?"

"Mido-san? May I tell you something?"

"Go ahead."


The umbrella flips in the violent wind, the rain doesn't make the scene any less disastrous. Torao tries to flip it back around but fails. Ultimately, he grabs a hold of Minami's arm and begins running. The two run through the rain, heading to the station. Upon arrival, the two are soaked and can hardly breathe.

"Well, that was something," Torao laughs, shaking his wet hair. "Looks like the umbrella was useless."

Torao looks over to Minami whose hair is completely drenched. He became nearly unrecognizable. Torao tries his best to hold in his laughter but fails to do so.

"Is this amusing to you, Mido-san?" Minami questions in a low voice, seemingly joking but also somewhat threatening. He sighs, "I don't think this will dry anytime soon."

"Well, my house is nearby. Would you like to come over?" Torao suggests politely. "If you don't mind, of course."

Minami smiles, pondering the suggestion before giving a slow nod, and a small smile. "I don't mind at all."

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