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-_| Chapter 11 |_-

CW: mature language, a bit of manipulation, threatening
Word count: 1620


"What the fuck are you doing here, Quackity?" Y/n spat, shielding Dream with her body, glaring at the shorter male that stood on the other side of the cell. Dream's body trembled in her hands.
"Well well well, trying to protect your little soulmate, I see? How touching!" Quackity ignored her question, gaining a scoff from her.
"Answer the damned question."
"Hm? What's with that attitude, chill! I'm just watching two trapped lovebirds. It's fun!" She didn't respond, instead tightening her grip on Dream. "Dream."
"What do you need from him?"
"His pain, what else?"
"The fuck is wrong with you?" To which, he just laughed darkly, gripping the handle of the axe tighter.

"What? My visits never stopped! C'mon, let me have some fun." At this point, his body was shaking violently as he gripped onto her like his life depended on her. Which was actually true.
"Over my dead body." Quackity's head tilted to the side, a sick smile tugging his lips. Oh. Of fuck. Shit. She messed up. She really fucked up-
"You're so desperate to protect him that you're willing to sacrifice yourself? That's very generous towards the criminal who murdered and manipulated people."
"I don't care, he's my soulmate, he doesn't deserve to be tortured."
"Y/n-" Dream whispered, but Y/n shushed him, glaring at Quackity. His fear was quickly turning into fury, as his fists clenched tightly, brows knitting together.
"Hm. That's interesting, you know? If you're so willing to sacrifice yourself for him...then why don't we make it real-" That's it. It was like something snapped in the blonde.

"Quackity, don't you dare." Dream sneered, fury radiating off him, as he pulled away from her grip, looking up at the male. "If you dare to lay a finger on her, you're dead. You hear me? You're fucking dead." He gritted out through his teeth, shaking away her hands and rising to his feet, now looming over the shorter male. "I'll tear away everything that you hold dear to your heart piece by piece, your little friends, your country, and then finally your damned life. I'll make sure you won't be revived as well, if you ever touch her. And you better believe that I'm not fucking joking around." His tone was dead cold, serious, low, threatening. It was like the vulnerable, gentle boy Y/n was used to from before just disappeared into thin air. Despite being imprisoned, despite being reduced in power, despite being on his last life, Dream still managed to scare the living shit out of Quackity. And believe me, he still did scare others as well. But Y/n was out of that list. Dream had this natural intimidation in himself, it was a natural part of him. He didn't understand what caused this sudden outburst. Maybe the fact that Quackity was threatening to hurt her triggered his protectiveness? Maybe.

"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, believe me, I would. I was imprisoned for a reason, after all." The shorter male shuddered, never tearing his gaze away from Dream's cracked, smiley mask that was tilted down, the innocent looking smile, now looking menacingly.
"I'd like to see you try, Dream. You're imprisoned here-"
"I have my own ways of dealing with problems, even without getting out of here."

"Shut the fuck up, Dream!" Quackity pushed the taller male away. Dream stumbled back a little, but didn't lose his composure. The blonde glared at the shorter male. It was funny actually. It was like Quackity totally forgot about his weapon in his hands. And was getting intimidated by Dream. The guy who he tortured for months. Dream wasn't weak. Not physically, nor mentally. He knew he had a lot more chances to scare the living shit out of anyone if he wanted. And his tall, well worked out body was the huge plus in thus field. His voice, that dropped an octave or two, grew scarier whenever he tried threatening someone was also a big advantage. And finally, he knew how to pressure the person. How to push the right buttons in order to manipulate, or intimidate someone. What to use against them, what to tell. He mastered it all for a quite while and he succeeded. Plus, knowing that someone was by his side, gave him some sense of comfort and boosted up his confidence. "Everything will die down if I kill you! You're the reason why everything went to hell! You-"

"Quackity." Both of their heads snapped to the h/c girl, who was now holding a fork from earlier in her hands, next to Dream, the fork pointed at Quackity. "That's enough." Her tone was dangerous, brows furrowed as she glared at the shorter male. Her glare was daring him to do something and was literally screaming that if he did, he'd get himself into a big trouble.  Subconsciously, Dream grinned to himself, impressed that she's also capable of looking and sounding threatening.
"What the fuck- you're going to murder me with a fork?"
"You've laughed at Techno's pickaxe back then, remember? You ended up losing a life. My advice for you is, don't underestimate the weapon, Quackity." Dream grinned, causing shivers run down Quackity's spine at the dark memory of his battle with Technoblade in the cave.

"Shut up!" Quackity grumbled curses under his breath, storming off to the edge of the cell. Dream's hands were itching to just push him off the edge, to watch him fall into lava, burn to death, leaving no trace behind. But of course, Y/n wouldn't let him do that. He almost pouted at that. Quackity yelled for Sam, then all three saw the warden emerge from depths of the prison. Itt was one of the few times when Dream managed to send Quackity back to whatever shit he was doing outside the prison. After hearing Quackity's request, he sent the platform to the cell, Quackity hopped on it, sparing a glare at the duo, mumbling a curse and that was his last expression before the lava fell back. Y/n blew out a tense breath, blinking.
"Holy shit, Dream. What the hell was that?"

"Oh...well, intimidation method? I don't know." He laughed it off, splitting into a lopsided smile Anddddd, goofy Dream was back. How is he even able to switch personalities so quickly? "At least it worked! We're safe! You're safe."
"True...that was scary though..." Y/n admitted, causing a smile to sweep off his face instantly.
"Hey, I'm sorry- I didn't mean to scare you, sorry-"
"I didn't mean you, dumbass. I meant Quackity." Y/n explained, puffing out a sigh and ruffling his already messy hair.
"Oh." He was glad that she wasn't afraid of him. It would be heartbreaking for him if she did. Dream leaned into her touch, eyes closing automatically and a small sigh of relief passing his lips. "Don't worry. You're not getting hurt when I'm here. I promise." What a simp. An intense one too.
"And I am promising you the same, Dream."

"You don't have to. I've grown used to the pain, I can take it."
"Nuh huh. No more pain for you." Dream let out a small, pleased hum when she started scratching his scalp lightly, just enough pressure to make him feel pleased. Eventually, he wrapped her in a hug, hands around her torso as he nuzzled his face into her neck. He didn't care about his mask, he just wanted to hold her right now. She gave him a one sided hug, continuing messing with his hair since she found out that it comforts him, lulls him to sleep. The blonde nuzzled closer to her. And if he had a dog tail, it'd be wagging right now.
"When did you learn how to scare people?" A honest question from Dream. He was curious. She wasn't like this when he was captured. Dream didn't think that she's capable of intimidation.
"Huh? Oh, well, I may or may not have spent time with Technoblade himself." Hm. Dream's brows furrowed, as he looked up at her.

"Are you two close?"
"What kind of question is that? We're in crime, that's all."
"I see..." He grumbled, dropping his face back into the crook of her neck.
"Don't tell me that you're jealous." Y/n teased him. But seriously, was he? He was, actually.
"What- no, I am not, I was just curious."
"Yeahhh, I totally believe you." She continued teasing him.
"Oh shut up." He grumbled. She just smiled, continuing untangling his locks. The silence hung over them for a while before he finally decided to break it. "Hey Y/n?" Dream looked up at her.
"What is it?"
"For what?"
"For earlier." She hummed, splitting into a smile, pressing a small kiss on his mask, causing his cheeks to heat up under the mask.
"Thank you as well." It was his turn to melt into a smile. He nodded.
"Can you please remove my mask?"
"Oh, sure." She unclasped the straps of his mask, removing it.

"Thanks." He returned the favour, pressing his lips against her cheek. It flustered her a little.
"Cuddles?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side like a puppy, green eyes never leaving her e/c ones. How could she say no to him?
"Why not." His eyes lit up, as he literally dragged her to the bed, laying behind her and wrapping an arm around her to hold her closer. He fell asleep just like that, while Y/n chose to stay awake in case something interesting happens. She had to stay on guard.


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