An old dead friend

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-_|Chapter 7|_-

CW: mentions of death, torture, drugs and destruction
Word count: 1350


Several days passed after that. Sapnap tried visiting Dream, but no matter what, he couldn't convince Sam to let him in, which raised the amount of suspicion in him even more. He tried finding Quackity with George's help, but then something interesting happened. They met an old friend. That old friend was Mexican Dream...He looked so pale and had tears in his eyes. Sapnap and George saw him crying. They were shocked to find him, he disappeared a long time ago.
"Mexican Dream?" He got startled when Sapnap called out to him.
"What the fuck?!" The shorter boy exclaimed. And with that he started running away.
"Wait! Mexican Dream!" The duo ran after the boy, who sprinted as fast as he could.

"Leave me alone!" The called shouted out, but the duo wouldn't comply. They ran, till Mexican Dream ran out of breath and finally stopped. He was breathing heavily, trying to regain the oxygen he lost. "What do you want from me?" He snapped. "Who are you?"
"Hey, hey, it's me, Sapnap. Remember me?"
"I'm George, do you remember?"
"Sapnap...George..." He tried to remember, the names were extremely familiar to him. And when he did- "EYYYYY man! Hola amigos!"
"It's him!" George exclaimed happily. Sapnap was just cheering loudly. And when they calmed down, Sapnap questioned.
"Where were you? We haven't seen each other in ages!"
"Also, why were you crying?" George added to that, causing Mexican Dream to tense up.

"Because my home is gone! El rapids (Mexican L'manburg) is gone! And because Dream killed me!"
"Wait what? Dream killed you? Then how-"
"He's a ghost, Sapnap." George chimed in.
"Yeah, man! I'm so sad! I'll kill Dream for what he did!"
"Let's not talk about killing him." Sapnap laughed nervously, trying to brush off the memory of his old friend dying in front of him. "He's already in the prison."
"Prison? Prison? He deserves to be dead after all the things he has done."
"Calm down-"
"Hey Mexican Dream, want a burger?" George attempted to distract his friend. Because Dream's two canon deaths were a sentensive topic to the older boy as well. So he decided to change the topic.

"You're even asking? Of course!" George flashed him a small smile and led them to McDonald's, built for him by the Protector of the SMP himself. Lucky boy. George served them burgers, which cheered the ghost up. And finally- the last part. Drugs. When he accepted it, he felt like a different person possessed him. Quite strange. One was a person who had a voice like Schlatt's and for a hot second Sapnap was worried that it was Glatt who possessed him. Like it happened to Ghostbur after they tried bringing Wilbur back to life. Poor ghost was stuck in one body with Schlatt after that. Not for long though. Alright, back to Mexican Dream. The second time he took the drugs in, it was McDonald's manager os some shit like that possessed him. It waw quite hilarious though. He started running away, not accepting any more drugs. Nevermind that, because in the end, Sapnap and George convinced him that it was the last one, they were trying to get Mexican Dream back. actually worked this time! He said that he felt much better after getting some drugs. Typical him. Sapnap was really glad that he met his old friend, even though the other was dead. He was rambling something about going somewhere, to gamble and led them there. Let me correct myself: 'He attempted leading them there'. But then, he stopped when he saw the 'Las Nevadas' sing in the air, far away. He didn't want them to go further. So they complied, even though the duo got really curious now.

But then- the Mexican Dream just jumped off the cliff and disappeared mid air, telling that he's not supposed to be here anymore. Sapnap got really confused and sad after this. He just- he just disappeared. Like nothing happened. And what does he mean by 'I'm not supposed to be here'? If he's just like Ghostbur, then he's more than free to roam around, actually. But...the thing is, was Mexican Dream actually a ghost like Ghostbur? And why doesn't he want them to go to that Las Nevadas? What's there? Sapnap could tell that George got curious too. Unfortunately, the duo had to split up later, in hopes to find Quackity faster this way. They spent a day trying to find him, but they failed by the end of the day. How frustrating. Where is he? Sapnap had so many questions and it caused his head start to hurt. He got a headache. Great. Just great. Perfect! A low groan emitted from his throat as he walked back to his basement in frustration. The situation was indeed getting out of hand.

But what if...he talks to her? What if she's not lying after all? I mean, it is all suspicious to Sapnap. The way Sam doesn't let him in the prison and also Quackity's disappearance. Odd. But guess, it's for tomorrow, since it got already dark and he had no energy to deal with this all right now and the horrible headache just worsened his sufferings. He passed out in his bed.


Y/n was about to freeze to death. Really. Techno said that he'll be back soon because he left to get the totem of undying from the forest mansion far away. And it took a damned week to do so?! Not to mention that he had Phil's help too! They just disappeared. Did they die? Probably no, because well...Both are immortal and extremely powerful so. Also she'd hear the notification if they did die. She was instructed to stay at their cabin or at least visit it once a day to look after it while they were gone and she did so. And now she's regretting it. She ran out of coal and wood to warm the house up. She couldn't go outside because the snowstorm was raging outside for past two hours. And when she expected it the less, she heard a knock on the door. She sprinted to the front door faster than she ever imagined she could and swung the door open. But to her surprise, there was no one. Only a bag of coal was on the snowy ground, she stuck her head out to look around but there was no one, indeed. Hm. Strange. Maybe it was a gift from the God himself?

She accepted the coal anyway, dragging it inside, straight to the fireplace. She put some inside and lit it up by her flint and steel. The fire lit up once again, bright, warm, comforting. The temperature in the house started rising slowly. Thank God. She wouldn't die of hypothermia. And how long was she supposed to be here? When are they going to return? When is the snowstorm going to die down? When is she going home? She missed her home. What happened to her axolotl? She checked on him this morning but she was still worried.

And... Dream. Thankfully, looks like Quackity didn't torture him since then, because she didn't feel any pain. But was he alright out there? Was Sam feeding him enough? How were his wounds? Ah..She's really worried about him. He's Dream, after all. He'll be fine, most likely. She had to worry about herself here, actually. Sure, she had three lives but that still didn't mean that she was in danger, even though she was expressing neutrality towards all the events. Except for Dream, of course. And she was thinking about Sapnap too. What is he thinking? Whose side is he going to pick? Will he be picking a side? Maybe they could cooperate or something like that? Or will he prefer neutrality? She was curious too. And she wanted to find the answers, just like the other boy did. Maybe they'll find the answers soon. Soon... Who knows?


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